How did the ant know that the other ants were not from its group?
Schoolvally answer:
Ants and other animals also have different senses. “They can see, hear, smell and feel. Due to different senses the ant could know that other ants where not from its group.
How did the guard ant recognise this ant?
Schoolvally answer:
The guard and could recognise this ant because of smell.
Try this and write
Drop some sugar, jaggery or anything sweet on the ground. Wait until the ants come there.
How long did it take for the ants to come?
Schoolvally answer:
Usually it takes 10-15 minutes for the ants to come.
Did one ant come first or a group of ants came together?
Schoolvally answer:
One ant came First, then a group of ants came.
What did the ants do with the food?
Schoolvally answer:
The ants carried the food to their home.
Where do they go from there?
Schoolvally answer:
They went to their ant hole from there.
Do they move in a line?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, they always move in a line.
Block their path for a while with a pencil. Now observe, how do the ants move?
Schoolvally answer:
They moved along the pencil and joined back the line.
Now can you guess why the ants behaved like that when you blocked their path?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, they realised that there is a hurdle and they need to find a way to join back the path.
Have you ever been troubled by mosquitoes? Just think, how do they know where you are?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have been troubled by mosquito.Mosquitoes can find us by the smell of your body. They also find you by the smell of the sole of your feet and the heat of your body.
Have you seen a dog sniffing here and there? What do you think it is trying to smell?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen dog sniffing here and there, They are trying to smell, if another dog has come into their area by the smell of its urine or potty (latrine).
In what ways do human beings make use of this special sense of smell of dogs?
Schoolvally answer:
Human beings make use of this special sense of smell of dogs following ways:
(a). To catch thieves.
(b). To search stolen things.
(c). To find explosives etc.
When do you find your sense of smell helpful to you? List some examples. Like – to know by its smell that food has gone bad or that something is burning.
Schoolvally answer:
Our sense of smell is helpful to us, we find it in following ways:
(a). When we smell flowers.
(b). When we smell perfumes.
(c). When we smell fruits and other tasty food items.
(d). When we smell leaking gas.
(e). When we smell dead rats.
(f). When we smell over flowing grains.
Name the animals that you would be able to recognise only by their smell, without seeing them?
Schoolvally answer:
We can recognize cow, dog, cat, pony, fish etc. by their smell.
Write the names of five things whose smell you like and five things whose smell you do not like
Schoolvally answer:
Five things whose smell I like:
Schoolvally answer:
(a). Perfume
(b). Flower
(c). Masala Maggi
(d). Bathing Soap
(e). New textbooks
Five things whose smell I do not like:
Schoolvally answer:
(a). Petrol
(b). Cow-dung
(c). Fish
(d). LPG Gas
(e). Garbage
Do you and your friends have similar answers?
Schoolvally answer:
No, my friend has different answers.
Do the clothes of any of your family members smell? Whose?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, when my brother comes back home from farm land, his clothes smell of grass and mud.
Did you ever come across any smell in a crowded place such as a fair, bus, train etc.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, a have come across badsmell in a crowded place such as fair,bus, train etc. The smell is of sweat of people.
Think and discuss
Sushila covered her nose when she cleaned Deepak’s nappy, but not when she cleaned her daughter. Why do you think she did this?
Schoolvally answer:
Generally parents are used to good and bad smell of their children and they don’t mind cleaning their children out of love and affection.
Sushila covered her nose with dupatta, when she cleaned Deepak’s nappy, because Deppak was her Nephew and not his own son.
How do you feel when you walk near a heap of garbage? Think of the children who spend the whole day picking things from such garbage.
Schoolvally answer:
I feel displeased when I walk near a heap of garbage. And I also feel sad about those children, They should not be allowed to take up any employment in young age rather should be encouraged to join school where they will get education and Mid-day meal. If they study they will get government Job and will become rich.
Is a smell ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for everyone in the same way? Or does it depend on how each one feels about it?
Schoolvally answer:
No, a smell is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for everyone in the same way it varies from person to person, It depends on the person what he thinks about a particular smell. Certainly some smells are always consideredbad such as smell of garbage or exhaust of vehicles.
Let’s see
Write the name of a bird which has eyes in front of its head (like in humans).
Schoolvally answer:
A bird which has eyes in front of its head (like in humans) is Owl.
Write the names of some birds which have eyes on either side of the head. What is the size of their eyes as compared to the size of their head?
Schoolvally answer:
Most of the birds have their eyes on either side of the head their eyes can focus on two different things at a time. For example pigeons, crows, sparrows, eagles, Myna, Bulbul, kite etc.
The size of their eyes as compared to the size of their head is very small and the eyes are fixed and cannot move. So birds have to turn their heads to see around.
Looking with one or both eyes
Could you see your friend’s action, without moving your neck?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I was not able to see my friend’s action without moving my neck.
Now try to look at your friend’s action with both your eyes open but without moving your neck.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I could see my friend’s actions with both my eyes open and without moving my neck.
What was the difference on looking with one or both eyes?
Schoolvally answer:
On keeping both eyes open, I had complete 180 degree view, but while looking with one eye the view was less than 180 degrees.
Now toss a small ball or a coin and try to catch it. Try this with both your eyes open. Then close one eye and try to catch it. When was it easier to catch?
Schoolvally answer:
It was easier to catch the ball or coin with both of my eyes open.
Imagine how it would be to have your eyes in place of your ears? What would you be able to do then, which you cannot do now?
Schoolvally answer:
I would be able to see on my left and right side independentlywithout moving my neck.
The names of ten animals whose ears can be seen.
Schoolvally answer:
The names of ten animals whose ears can be seen are as under:
cow, cat, buffalo, ox, goat, sheep, elephant, lion, donkey, and kangaroo.
The names of some animals whose ears are bigger than our ears.
Schoolvally answer:
The names of some animals whose ears are bigger than ours are as under:
Elephnat, Donkey, Cow, Rabbit and Buffalo.
Is there some link between the size of animals ears and their hearing?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, There is a link between the size of animals ears and their hearing. Animals with big ears can hear the dimsound from a long distance this is because large ears provide more surface area and can collect more sound waves.
Try this
Put your hands over your ears and say something. Can you hear your own voice?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can hear my own voice.
Sit near a desk. Tap the desk once with your hand. Listen carefully. Now put your ear on the desk as shown in the picture. Tap on the desk once again with your hand. Listen again. Was there any difference in the sound of the tap?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there was difference in the tap of the sound. The sound was comparatively louder, when I put my ear on the desk.
Can you understand the sounds of some animals? Which animals?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can understand the sound of my cow. I can identify when she is hungry and want grass, when she is ready to be milked and when she wants to go out. Also I can understand the sound of my cat when she is hungry and when she is angry.
Do some animals understand your language? Which ones?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, most of the domestic animals like cats, dogs, parrots, hen, goat, cow and horse etc. start understanding our language once we pet them and stay with them.
Have you noticed that during the cold season you cannot see any lizard in the house? Where do you think they have gone?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have noticed, They animals go into a long, deep sleep in certain seasons this is called hibernation. Theydo so to protect themselves from the cold and save energy. They come back out of the holes when the climate is hot and there are plenty of insects to feed on.
Given here is the sleeping time of some animals. Write below each picture for how many hours a day that animal sleeps.
Schoolvally answer:
As pert he picture given:
Cow: Sleeps for 4 hours.
Python: Sleeps for 18 hours.
Giraffe: Sleeps for 2 hours.
Cat: Sleeps for12 hours.
When you see different animals, do you have any questions about them? Make a list of ten such questions.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have many questions about them given as under:
How these animals talk with each other?
How these animals understand our language?
How these animals talk to other animals?
Can they understand our feelings?
How do they know in advance about the earthquake?
Can these animals be pet?
What If all of these animals die?
Are they poisonous?
What all do they eat?
Do they spread some diseases to humans? Etc.
What do you think are some of the dangers to tigers in the jungle?
Schoolvally answer:
Some threats to the tigers in the jungle are as under:
Hunting and poaching for meant and their the fur/skin.
Attack by pathogens, that may cause them seriously ill.
Demolition of their natural habitat due to human activities.
Can human beings also be a threat to animals? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, human beings can also be a threat to animals, people who kill animals are called hunters and poachers. The threats are as under:
Many animals are killed and their body parts like and are sold at very high price. Like, Elephants are killed for their tusks, rhinoceros for its horn, tigers, crocodiles and snakes for their skins. Musk deer are killed just to make a little scent from its musk.
Due to growing need of human settlements, Forests are cleared and mountains grounded, this diminishes the home of animals as a result they get exposed to humans ot many a times stop breeding and get extinct.
Find out
Where are other such National Parks in India?
Schoolvally answer:
There are many National Parks in India which are as follows:
Collect information on these and write a report.
Schoolvally answer:
To protect animals from being hunted and porched in India, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries have been made. They are protected areas declared by Government with the primary objective to preserve wildlife, save Plants & animals and restore the natural ecological balance.
There are 103 National Parks and 544 Wildlife Sanctuaries in India.
What we have learnt
Have you noticed that sometimes singers put their hand on their ear when they sing? Why do you think they may be doing this?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have noticed that sometimes singers put their hand on their ear while singing. They do this to decrease the surrounding noise and disturbance and listen to their own sound clearly.
Give examples of animals that may have a very strong sense of sight, hearing or smell.
Schoolvally answer:
Animals with strong sense of sight:
A tiger can see six times better at night than most of us.
An eagle is known for its vision
Animals with strong sense of smell:
Dog is trusted for its excellent sense of smell.
A mosquito can locate a human being by
the smell and heat of the body.
Animals with strong sense of hearing:
Dolphins and Elephants are considered to own the best hearing senses.
A tiger’s sense of hearing is so sharp that it can make out the difference between the rustling of leaves and the sound of an animal moving on the grass. The ears of the tiger can move in different directions and this helps to catch the sounds from all around.
Important Questions
Think and tell
Have you ever seen anyone playing a been? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen snake charmer playing been in Pushker Fair, in Ajmer Rajasthan.
Have you ever seen a snake? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen snake in Zoo.
Were you scared by it? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I was scared because I thought all snakes are poisonous.
Do you think all snakes are poisonous?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, earlier I used to think that way.
In chapter 1 you read that snakes do not have ears which you can see. Can the snake hear the been or does it dance when the been moves? What do you think?
Schoolvally answer:
No snakes can not hear the been. Rather, they respond to the vibrations created in air by sound of been. I think, the snake dances only when the been moves.
Have you ever seen animals being used for entertainment of people?
(For example, in a circus, on the road, or in a park)
– When and where did you see this?
– Which animal show did you see?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen animals being used for the entertainment of people in a circus, in a fair and on the road side.
I saw show of lions, elephants, dogs, monkeys, parrots and horses performing different stunts.
How did people behave with the animals in the show?
Schoolvally answer:
Some are scared, while others enjoy the stunts performed by them.
Was anyone teasing the animals? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, some girls where teasing the animals to get their attention.
What kind of questions came to your mind after seeing that animal show?
Schoolvally answer:
There where many questions that came in my mind after seeing that animal show like:
Imagine that you are an animal in a cage. Think how you would feel. Complete the following sentences:
Schoolvally answer:
(a). I am afraid when, I make a mistake and my trainer cane me.
(b). I wish I, can go back to jungle.
(c). I am sad when, the show is over.
(d). If I had a chance I would, hunt and eat bigger animals.
(e). I do not like it at all when, people make faces at me.
Like snake-charmers, which other people depend on animals for their livelihood?
Schoolvally answer:
Other people who depend on animals for their livelihood are as under:
Survey– People who keep animals
Name the animal they keep?
Schoolvally answer:
In my neighbourhood, one family keeps cow for their livelihood.
How many animals are there?
Schoolvally answer:
There are two cows and 2 calves.
Is there a separate place for the animals?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is a separate shed for them, with lighting and food storage.
Who looks after them?
Schoolvally answer:
The family and a labour looks after them.
What do the animals eat?
Schoolvally answer:
The animals eat fresh grass, dry grass, cotton seed cakes and feed. Also neighbourhood people give vegetable waste to them. Some times during festivals cows are given flour dough or sweets.
Do the animals ever fall ill? What does the keeper do then?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, animals fall ill. The keeper calls a veterinary doctor for treatment. He examines the animal and prescribes medicines many times they are given injections.
Make some more questions and discuss.
Schoolvally answer:
Some more questions would be:
Make a report on your project and read it out in the class.
Schoolvally answer:
Animal farming is one one on the first thing that man leaned to do, It was one of the key factors of human settlement. Domestication of animals is mostly done for economic benefit. Like cows and buffaloes give mild, sheep and goat give meat. Hens and ducks give eggs and meat. Horse and camels are used to pull a cart.
So many animals and so many benefits, but it is not possible to keep all of them on our house in cities, however cows are most common animal that we find in cities too. In our neighbourhood also there is a family who has two cows and two calves.
They have a separate shed for them, They take good care of them and give them medicines when they fall sick. They also have labour who takes care of cows and does the cleaning work.
During festivals we all go to their house and feed the cows, it is a ritual that we follow. The cows keep eating whole day and when they are no eating they are chewing, I like watching them very much.
What Have We Learnt
The government has made a law that no one can catch and keep snakes. What do you think about this law? Give reasons for your answer and write in your own words.
Schoolvally answer:
I think this is a good law. No animal likes to to be kept in cage. They live best in their natural habitat which is jungle or farm lands.
They are farmers friend and keep a check on rodents population. They play important role in food chain and maintain ecological balance. They are porched for their skin and meat so I think this is a good law to protect snakes.
Important Questions
Discuss and write.
Jhoolan’s mouth started watering when she heard the word imli. When does your mouth water? List five things you like to eat and describe their taste.
Schoolvally answer:
My mouth waters when I see or think about ice-cream. Five things that I like to eat are as under:
Do you like only one kind of taste or different ones? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
I like different kind of taste, because it will be boring to eat same taste all the time. Also one should eat variety of food items so we may get full nutrition.
Jhoolan put a few drops of lemon juice in Jhumpa’s mouth. Do you think we can make out the taste with just a few drops?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we can make out taste of lemon juice with just few drops, because the flavour of lemon is very strong only a few drops of lemon juice are enough.
If someone were to put a few seeds of saunf (aniseed) on your tongue, would you be able to tell with your eyes closed? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I would you be able to tell with my eyes closed, If someone were to put a few seeds of saunf (aniseed) on my tongue, because of feeling the texture in my mouth and strong smell.
How did Jhumpa make out the fried fish? Can you guess the names of certain things only by their smell, without seeing or tasting them? What are these things?
Schoolvally answer:
Jhumpa made out the fried fish by its smell. Yes, I can guess the names of many things only by its smell, without seeing or tasting them. These things are:
Fish, Omlate, Samosa, Pani Puri, Halwa, Gulab jamun, etc.
Has anyone ever told you to hold your nose before taking a medicine? Why do you think they tell you to do this?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I remember it once, I was told to hold my nose before taking medicine. They told me to do this because, our sense of smell helps us to get the complete taste of food item, closing our nose will some what mask the bitter taste of the medicine.
Close your eyes and tell
How did it taste? What was the food item?
Schoolvally answer:
On which part of the tongue could you get the most taste – in front, at the back, on the left or right side of the tongue?
Schoolvally answer:
The frontand the edges left and right side of the tongue and the back have taste buds to identify different tastes. As compare to other parts of tongue the middle part of tongue has almost no taste buds. Hence it is least sensitive to tastes.
Which taste could be made out on which part of the tongue? Mark these parts on the picture given.
Schoolvally answer:
One at a time put some things to eat in other parts of your mouth – under the tongue, on the lips, on the roof of the mouth. Did you get any taste there?
Schoolvally answer:
Stand in front of a mirror and look closely at your tongue. How does the surface look? Can you see any tiny bumps on the surface?
Schoolvally answer:
The surface look coarse, Yes, I can see tiny bumps on it.
If someone asks you to describe the taste of amla or cucumber, you might find it difficult to explain. How would you describe the taste of these – tomato, onion, saunf, garlic.
Schoolvally answer:
Think of words that you know or make up your own words to describe the taste.
Schoolvally answer:
When Jhumpa tasted some of the things, she said “Sssee, sssee, sssee…”…..What do you think she may have eaten?
Schoolvally answer:
I think she must have eaten a chilli which was spicy and very hot.
Why don’t you make sounds that describe some tastes?
Schoolvally answer:
From your expressions and sounds ask your friends to guess what you might have eaten.
Schoolvally answer:
Chew it or chew it well: What’s the difference?
Each of you take a piece of bread or roti or some cooked rice.Put it in your mouth, chew three to four times and swallow it.
Did the taste change as you chewed it?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, It became sweat.
Now take another piece or some rice and chew it thirty to thirty-two times.
Schoolvally answer:
It became sweater and watery as I chew.
Was there any change in the taste after chewing so many times?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, All the flavours came out, since it get spread on all the parts of tongue.
Has anyone at home told you to eat slowly and to chew well so that the food digests properly? Why do you think they say this?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, My father has told me to eat slowly and chew well so he food digests properly, He said so because the process of digestion starts in the mouth when saliva mixes with the food and makes it soluble. It gets swallowed easily and hence can be digested properly. If the food is not chewed properly, it takes a longer time to digest and can also cause stomach ache.
Imagine you are eating something hard like a green guava. What kinds of changes take place in it–from the time you bite a piece and put it in your mouth to when you swallow it?
Schoolvally answer:
When I bite green guava, it is hard and tastes slightly Sour. But, after chewing the piece of hard guava, it becomes granular but soft and sweet in taste.
Think what does the saliva in our mouth do?
Schoolvally answer:
Saliva plays an Important role in digestion of food as:
Straight from the Heart
Where do you think the food must be going after you put it in your mouth and swallow it?
Schoolvally answer:
We can say that the food passes through food pipe reaches to stomach and small and large intestine after swallowing from the mouth.
How do you feel when you are very hungry? How would you describe it? For example, sometimes we jokingly say, “I am so hungry I could eat an elephant!”
Schoolvally answer:
When I am hungry, I feel pain in my stomach and making sounds come out of it, and I laughingly say rats are running in my stomach.
How do you come to know that you are hungry?
Schoolvally answer:
When I am hungry, I feel pain in my stomach and feel uneasy.
Think what would happen if you do not eat anything for two days?
Schoolvally answer:
If I do not eat anything for two days:
Would you be able to manage without drinking water for two days? Where do you think the water that we drink goes?
Schoolvally answer:
it is not possible to manage without water for two days. The water we drink is used in digestion of food within our body.
It carries the waste material from the body which is exerted out of the body as urine and sweat.
Talk and discuss
Have you heard the word ‘glucose’, or seen it written anywhere? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have heard this word. I have seen it written on biscuits and some other snacks. Also on the Health drinks.
Have you ever tasted glucose? How does it taste? Tell your friends.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have tasted glucose. It tastes sweet.
Have you or anyone in your family been given a glucose drip? When and why? Tell the class about it.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, my brother was given glucose drip. When he had malaria, He was very week due to sickness.
Nitu’s teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose while playing hockey. Why do you think she did this?
Schoolvally answer:
While playing hockey girls need a lot of energy, since glucose solution provides instant energy that is why the teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose.
A lot of sweating occurs while playing which cause a loss of water and glucose is taken with water, so they will also intake water with glucose.
Look at Nitu’s picture and describe what is happening. How is the glucose drip being given?
Schoolvally answer:
A glucose drip is given to Nitu in the picture. The glucose bottle is hanged on a stand at some height and glucose is given drop by drop using a tube and a needle. The glucose solution is been administered in Nitu's arm through a vein.
Think and discuss
Imagine, if you had been in place of Dr. Beaumont, what experiments
would you have done to find out the secrets of our stomach? Write about your experiments.
Schoolvally answer:
If I were in place of Dr. Beaumont, I would have done experiments with chocolate and momos . I would have taken digestive juices from Martin’s stomach and kept equal amounts of chocolate and momos in different glasses.
I would have noted the time duration, each of those specific food items had taken to digest.
Why do you think Rashmi could eat only one roti in the whole day?
Schoolvally answer:
Like most of the Indians Rashmi is too poor to afford a platter full of meal, and that is why she could eat only one roti in the whole day.
Do you think Kailash would like games and sports?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I don’t think so, because of his obesity, he would not be able to play well and will get tired easily. Hence, he would not participate in any physical or sports activities.
What do you understand by ‘proper’ food?
Schoolvally answer:
Proper food is not about taste but is about nutritious value in the food. The food which has sufficient vitamins, minerals and contains the right amount of nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins and roughage that is required by the body can be called proper food or balanced diet. Also proper food is age and health condition specific.
Why do you think that the food of Rashmi and Kailash was not proper?
Schoolvally answer:
I think that the food of Rashmi and Kailash was not proper, because Rashmi was under feed while Kailash was over feed.
Rashmi was suffering form a health condition called malnutrition and Kailash was suffering from condition called obesity.
Find out
Talk with your grandparents or elderly people and find out what they ate and what work they did when they were of your age.
They ate Whole grains, Rice, vegetables and Meat. Their diet included milk and milk products.
Their work included going to school, Fetching water from nearby village and selling farm produce.
Now think about yourself
your daily activities and daily diet.
Schoolvally answer:
My daily activities include going to school, studying, watching T.V and playing.
My daily diet include milk eggs and processed flour and pulses. Rice and Fruits.
– Are these similar or different from what your grandparents did and ate?
Schoolvally answer:
No these are not similar they are different to what my grandparents did and ate.
My dally activities are not laborious in nature as compared to my grandparents.
My diet comprises of packed food items and processed food and they are less greasy in nature.
Think and discuss
Do you know any child who does not get enough to eat in the whole day? What are the reasons?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, Out side school there is a colony and I see many boys begging for food there. The reason is that their parents do not have government job. Most of the time of the year they are jobless.
Why do you think people suffer from starvation?
Schoolvally answer:
Starvation means hunger. People suffer starvation, because they do not have money to buy food. Most of the Indians don’t have any job or fixed income.
What kind of health problems occur when we do not get enough food for a very long time?
Schoolvally answer:
Where do the grains from the field go after reaching the mandis?
Schoolvally answer:
From mandies it goes to mills for processing and packing. Then it is transported to different cities for sale.
Have you come across any news related to huge spoilage in mandis or godowns? Collect some news of food spoilage or wastage on a large scale in mandis or godowns.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are plenty of incidences every year when huge spoilage of grains happen in mandies or godowns. It happens in every state where grains are kept in open.
Read the news and find out the reasons of spoilage of grains. How can such incidents be checked?
Schoolvally answer:
The reasons of spoilage of grains are as under:
Growth of fungus due to moisture in the grains.
Grains are stored in open, where they are eaten by birds and rodents also in rainy season it gets wet and spoiled.
Such incidents can be checked by:
Maintaining proper temperature and humidity of store house.
Controlling infusion of insects, mites, birds, rodents etc.
What have we learnt
Why can you not taste food properly when you have a cold?
Schoolvally answer:
Our sense of smell helps in getting the complete taste of food. When we have cold, our nose is blocked and we are unable to smell properly. Hence, we are unable to taste food properly in case of cold.
If we were to say that “digestion begins in the mouth”, how would you explain this? Write.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, this is correct that first step of “digestion begins in mouth”. The salivary glands present in the mouth secretes saliva which contains digestive enzymes like amylase. This enzyme from saliva helps in breaking complex sugars into simple sugars so the actual chemical break down of carbohydrates starts here.
Hence, it can be said that digestion begins in the mouth.
Important Questions
How did Aman know that the potato sabzi had got spoilt?
Schoolvally answer:
Aman knew that the potato sabzi had gotten spoilt because when Nitu opened the lunch box, a bad smell came from it.
Have you ever seen some food that has got spoilt? How did you know that it was spoiled?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, when bread is kept in fridge for a week it got spoilt, I know it was spoiled, as I could see green and black spots on it.
Preeti told Nitu not to eat the potato sabzi. What would have happened if she had eaten it?
Schoolvally answer:
Preeti told Nitu not to eat the potato sabzi, if she had eaten it she would have fallen ill and might have to go to hospital due to stomach infection.
Look in your kitchen and write down names of food items that
- can get spoilt in 2-3 days
Schoolvally answer:
Food items that can get spoilt in 2-3 days are as under:
Milk, Bread, Cooked rice, Boiled eggs etc.
- can be kept for a week
Schoolvally answer:
Dry Onion, Potatoes, Ginger, Pop-corn etc.
- would not spoil till one month
Schoolvally answer:
Flour, Dry rice, pickles, Garlic, Honey, Jam, cereals etc.
Look at your friend’s list and discuss in the class.
Schoolvally answer:
My friend’s list is quite similar:
Will your list be the same in all seasons? What would change?
Schoolvally answer:
No, my list will not be same in all seasons the time duration will change, because climatic condition s such as moisture and temperature effects positively or negatively on the food item. This is given as under:
Winter season has low temperature and moisture this is good for green leafy vegetables they can stay fresh longer.
Summer season has high temperature and low moisture, this is good for dry grains and potatoes onion, garlic etc. but is not good for green leafy vegetables.
Monsoon season has average temperature and high humidity, his is good for germination of seeds and ideal for molds and fungi. We can see potatoes will have eyes and shoots coming out of onion and garlic, food items spoil very easily.
When food gets spoilt in your house, what do you do with it?
Schoolvally answer:
When food in our house gets spoilt, we throw it away and do not eat.
Biji returned the bread
Look at the picture of the bread packet here and guess why Biji returned it?
Schoolvally answer:
Biji returned it immediately as it was not fit to eat.
How did she find that the bread had got spoilt?
Schoolvally answer:
She might have seen the greenish black patches on the bread slices in side the packet.
Find out
What can we know from what is written on the packet?
Schoolvally answer:
We can know the many things from the packet so of them are as under:
When you buy anything from the market, what do you look for on the packet?
Schoolvally answer:
When I buy anything from the market, I lookfor the following:
How does the food get spoilt?
Changes in the bread or roti
Schoolvally answer:
By touch: Spongy
By smell: Oven smell
By looking through hand lens: Looks fresh
By colour: Normal
By touch: Soft and spongy
By smell: Faint smell
By looking through hand lens: Looks dull.
By colour: Pale
By touch: Soft
By smell: Sour smell
By looking through hand lens: Looks pale.
By colour: Yellow
By touch: Soft and thin
By smell: Stinking smell.
By looking through hand lens: Looks yellow.
By colour: Dark yellow spots
By touch: Stiffand thin
By smell: Strong stinking smell.
By looking through hand lens: Green patches.
By colour: Green spots
By touch: Stiffand thin
By smell: Bad smell.
By looking through hand lens: Black patches.
By colour: Black spots
Find out the reason for these changes. From where did the fungus come on the bread?
Schoolvally answer:
The reason for these changes is food spoilage. The fungus came to the bread from the surrounding air. When the spores of the fungus find favourable conditions like moisture and nutrients they stuck to the surface of the food item and start growing.
Different kinds of food items spoil due to different reasons. Some foods spoil soon, some stay good for long. List some seasons and conditions in which food spoils quickly
Schoolvally answer:
Some seasons and conditions in which food spoils quickly are:
Summer Season: Vegetables loose their moisture and become dry like twigs. However no fungus is seen on it but, it becomes tasteless and hard to chew.
Monsoon season: When it is hot and humid. Food items provide good ground for growth of micro-organisms. The reason for their spoilage is fungus, bacteria and insects larvae.
Given below are some food items and some simple methods by which these could be kept fresh for 1-2 days. Match the correct pairs:
Schoolvally answer:
Milk….. Boil it.
Cooked rice….. Put in a bowl and keep the bowl in a container with some water.
Green coriander (Dhania) ….. Wrap in a damp cloth.
Onion, garlic ….. Keep it in a dry open place.
Why was sugar and jaggery mixed into the mango pulp and dried in the sun?
Schoolvally answer:
Sugar and jaggery were mixed into the mango pulpand dried in the sun because of following reason:
To give sweet taste to the mamidi tandra.
To give it some hardness and make it thick.
Why did Appa first choose the most ripe mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra?
Schoolvally answer:
Appa first choose the most ripe mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra because the ripe mangoes are sweet and juicy and make best mamidi tandra.
How did the brothers make the mamidi tandra? Write down step-by-step what they did for this.
Schoolvally answer:
Steps followed by the brothers to make mimadi tandra are as under:
What things are made in your house from ripe and unripe mangoes?
Schoolvally answer:
The Things thatare made in my house from ripe and unripe mangoes are as under:
Make a list of all the different types of pickles that you know about, and share with your friends.
Schoolvally answer:
(a). Garlic Pickle
(b). Lemon Pickle
(c). Green Chilli Pickle
(d). Amla Pickle
(e). Mango Pickle
(f). Carrot Pickle
Find out and discuss
Is there any kind of pickle made in your house? What kind of pickle is it? Who makes it? From whom did they learn to make the pickle?
Schoolvally answer:
Mango Pickle is made in our house.
It is sour and salty kind of pickle.
My grand-mother makes it.
She learned to make this pickle from her mother.
What all things are needed to make any one type of pickle in your house? How is the pickle made? Find out the recipe and write.
Schoolvally answer:
Ingredients of mango pickle:
Raw Mango pieces, Oil, salt and spices and an air tight glass container.
Mango pickle is usually made from raw mangoes that has under developed seed inside this has perfect enzymatic balance and tangy taste. Recipe of Mango pickle is as under:
Keep this in Sunlight for 10 days.
Step 4: After 24 to 28 hours, mango pieces will release juices and the consistency of the pickle will change.
It can be stored for a year in this jar oil and salt acts as a natural preservatives.
How are these things made in your house. • Papad • Chutney • Badiyan • Sauce
Schoolvally answer:
In my house papad, Chutney, Badiyan and Sauce is made in a very simple way the steps are given as under:
Papad is made from powdered lentils (gram and urad), flour, and spices. A dough is made with the help of water and then a thin circular sheet is rolled out of this dough, which is latter dried in sun till all the moisture escapes from it.
Thin slices of raw mango are stir fried with onion garlic and other spices till a thick paste is derived, Sugar and salt are added to make it hot spicy and tangy.
In my house Badiyan is made by urad, which is immersed in water over night and then mashed extra water is strained. Rock salt and granules of spices like cumin seeds, chlli, black pepper and asafoetida are added according to taste after that. Then take small lumps of it and place it on a clean cloth and dry it in the sun light till all the moisture escapes, store in cotton bag for long time.
Boil tomatoes and peal off its skin and strain it to remove its seeds. Put tomato pulp in a low wide saucepan over high heat. Add salt, olive oil or refined oil, garlic, basil and bay leaf and other spices. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a brisk simmer. Reduce the sauce by almost half, stirring occasionally, to produce about 2½ cups medium-thick sauce, can be refrigerated and used for a week.
What we have learnt
Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles. Why is this done? Do you remember what happened to the bread in the experiment?
Schoolvally answer:
Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles this is done in order to make them germs free, as microorganisms like fungus and bacteria die due to heat of the Sun. Hence can not spoil the contents.
Yes, I remember the bread got spoilt due to the growth of fungus and molds.
To eat mangoes round the year we make different items like pickle, aam papad, chutney, chikky, etc. List some other food with which we make different things, so that we can enjoy it throughout the year.
Schoolvally answer:
Some foods with which we make different things, so that we can enjoy it throughout the year are as under:
Important Questions
What things are soaked before cooking in your house? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Things which are soaked before cooking in my house are as under:
Chana dal, Rajma, Moong dal, sabodana.
These things are socked because soaking them dissolvestheir hard seat coat andmakes them softer and easier to cook. This saves time and fuel while cooking them.
What things do you eat after sprouting? How are they sprouted? How much time does it take?
Schoolvally answer:
We eat white gram (Chana) and Moong after sprouting.
For sprouting these seeds do the following steps:
Step1. soaked them in water overnight.
Step2. Next day drain this water and wrap them in a wet cloth and hung so that they get proper water and air.
Step3. Keep sprinkling some water on the cloth if if find it dry.
It takes about three to four days i.e. 36−48 hours to sprout.
Has the doctor or someone you know ever told you to eat sprouts? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, when I had typhoid fever last year, I turned thin and week, doctor advised me to take sprouts.
The health benefits of sprouts include improved digestion of both carbohydrates and proteins.
Improved digestion of both carbohydrates and proteins.
The reason is that sprouts are rich in vitamin A. B and K, rich in minerals zinc, calcium, manganese, and copper and Power Packed with Protein.
Do this and find out
Observe after two days and note the changes in the bowls.
Bowl 1
Are the seeds getting air?
Are the seeds getting water?
What changes did you see?
Seeds Swelled up
Have the seeds sprouted?
Bowl 2
Are the seeds getting air?
Are the seeds getting water?
What changes did you see?
Sprouting started
Have the seeds sprouted?
Bowl 3
Are the seeds getting air?
Are the seeds getting water?
What changes did you see?
No change seen
Have the seeds sprouted?
Tell and write
In which bowl did the seeds sprout? What difference did you see between this bowl and the other bowls?
Schoolvally answer:
Why did Gopal’s mother tie the gram (chana) in a damp cloth?
Schoolvally answer:
Gopal's mother tied the chana in a damp cloth, because she wanted to make sure that the chana seeds get proper moisture which is essential for sprouting.
Look carefully at your sprouted chana and make its drawing?
Schoolvally answer:
Name of the seed: ___Kidney beans___
The date on which you planted them: ___15/05/2021____
The day you observe something coming out of the soil, start filling the table:
Schoolvally answer:
Date: 20/05/2021
Height of the plant (in cm): 1 cm
Number of leaves: Nil
Any other change seen: germination started
Date: 21/05/2021
Height of the plant (in cm): 1.5cm
Number of leaves: 2 dicotyledons leaves
Any other change seen, Thickening of stem seen
Date: 22/05/2021
Height of the plant (in cm): 2 cm
Number of leaves: 2 dicotyledons leaves.
Any other change seen: New tiny leaves opening.
Date: 23/05/2021
Height of the plant (in cm): 4 cm
Number of leaves: 2 Young leaves and 2 dicotyledons leaves
Any other change seen: Thickening of stem seen with dark green colour.
Find out
How long did it take for the plant to come out from the soil?
Schoolvally answer:
I took 5 days, for a plant to come out of the soil.
What was the difference in the height of the plant on the first and second day?
Schoolvally answer:
The difference in height was 0.5 cm
On which day did the height of the plant increase the most?
Schoolvally answer:
4th day
Did new leaves come out of the plant every day?
Schoolvally answer:
No, new leaves did not come of the plant every day.
Was there any change in the stem of the plant?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the colour of the stem was deepening and the girth increasing.
Which seeds took the most number of days for the stem to come out of the soil?
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds of Sesame, took the most number of days for the stem to come out of the soil.
Which seeds took the least days to come out of the soil?
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds of mustard, took the least days to come out of the soil.
Which seeds did not grow at all? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Almond seeds did not grow at all, probably because the soil and conditions where not favourable.
Did anyone’s plant dry up or turn yellow? Why did this happen?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, Sohan plant dry up as he kept the pant in room and did not water the plant.
What would happen if the plants do not get water?
Schoolvally answer:
In the absence of water the plants will dry up turn yellow and eventually die.
Straight from your heart
What is inside the seed?
Schoolvally answer:
A seed contains cotyledons and an embryo inside it.
How does a big plant grow from a tiny seed?
Schoolvally answer:
The seed absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. With the action on enzymes the germination gets initiated, A seed already contains cotyledons and an embryo inside it. The cotyledons leaves come out off seed coat and acts as initial leave and do the photo-synthesis and grows into a big plant.
Think and imagine
What would happen if plants could walk? Draw a picture.
Schoolvally answer:
If plant could walk, they would them selves go to water bodies and choose soil which is rich in nutrients and would prefer places with good sunlight.
If, some one would try to eat then or pluck flowers they would run.
Find out
Do some plants grow without seeds?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, some plants like Potatoes, roses, Onion and marigold etc. can grow without seeds, through the method such as budding.
So many Seeds
Make a seed chart to put up in the class. You can start with a table like this.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Name of the seed: Rajma
Colour: Reddish brown
Shape (draw): Sketch
Texture: Smooth
(b) Name of the seed: Chana (gram)
Colour: Off white
Shape (draw): Sketch
Texture: Some what smooth.
(c) Name of the seed: Moong
Colour: Green
Shape (draw): Sketch
Texture: Smooth
(d) Name of the seed: Sesame
Colour: White
Shape (draw): Oval
Texture: Smooth
(e) Name of the seed : Mango
Colour: White
Shape (draw): Oval
Texture: Coarse
(f) Name of the seed: Okra
Colour: Black
Shape (draw): Spherical
Texture: Some what smooth.
Did you keep aniseed (saunf ) and cumin (jeera) in your list?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I did not keep aniseed and cumin in my list.
Which was the smallest seed and which was the biggest seed in your collection?
Schoolvally answer:
Sesame was the smallest seed and mange was the biggest seed in my list.
Make lists of:
Seeds that are used as spices in your home.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds used as spices in our home are as underL
Cumin Seeds (jeera) , fenugreek (methi) , aniseed or fennel (saunf), mustard (sarsoon).
Seeds of vegetables.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds of vegetables are as under:
Peas, Onion, cucumber. lady finger, tomato.
Seeds of fruits.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds of fruits are as under:
Apple, water melon, musk melon, mango papaya, almond and pumpkin.
Light seeds (check by blowing them).
Schoolvally answer:
Light seeds are as under:
Mustard, cumin, aniseed, cotton etc.
Seeds which are flat.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds which are flat are as under:
Pumpkin, water melon, cucumber, musk melon, apple etc.
Make more groups. How many groups of seeds did you make?
Schoolvally answer:
I can make the following five more groups of seeds:
(a) Edible seeds that can be eaten like Almond, walnut.
(b) Seeds from which oil can be extracted. Coconut, mustard, olive.
(c) Seeds which are spherical in shape like Okra, peas, gram (channa) etc.
(d) Seeds with rough seed coat like Mango, Bitter guard, walnut.
(e) Seeds which are cylindrical in shape like dates.
(f) Seeds which are bitter in taste like chili, Coriander (dhaniya)
Do you know any games that you can play with seeds? Discuss with your friends.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, We play whistling with mango seed and we play gitte with tamarind seeds.
Wandering seeds
Have you ever seen any seed that can fly?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen cotton seeds flying.
What is it called in your area?
Schoolvally answer:
It is called Narma.
Look at your seed collection. Guess how many of those could have travelled by flying.
Schoolvally answer:
When a pod busts the seeds are scattered to some distances, like in case of okra it seems that the seeds have travelled by flying, I have seen light weight seeds like sesame are pushed to large distances by wind, so I guess these could have travelled by flying.
Look at the pictures given below and guess how the seeds travel and reach different places.
Schoolvally answer:
1. Animals carry them. Eg. acorn seeds by Squirrel
2. Birds carry them. Eg. wheat seeds by Sparrow
3. Water currents carries them. Eg. Coconut seeds by Oceans.
Some plants spread their seeds over long distances. When the soyabean pods are ripe, they burst and the seeds are thrown out. Have you ever heard their sound?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I have never heard their sound.
Think what would happen, if seeds did not spread and remained at one place only.
Schoolvally answer:
If the seeds did not spread and remained at one place only then all of them would compete for water and minerals under the mother plant they will not get enough nutrition and will not grow properly.
Make a list of the different ways by which seeds are spread.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds are spread by following different ways given as under:
By wind Eg. Cotton and dandelions seeds
By water Eg. coconut
By birds Eg. Rice and Wheat
By animals Eg Galium (catchweed) and acorns
By humans Eg Pumpkin and Tomato
Who came from where
What came from other countries?
Schoolvally answer:
Following came from other countries:
Tomato, potato, and green chilly from South America.
Cabbage from Europe
Pea, coffee bean, and Okra from Africa.
Mango, orange, banana, radish, Fenugreek (methi), brinjal, spinach are from India.
What we have learnt
Reena has drawn this picture of the seed sprouted by her. What do you think the seeds need for sprouting? Write in your own words. How would Reena’s seeds look if they did not get the things needed. Show by drawing a picture.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds need air and water and minerals from soil for sprouting. Reena’s seeds would have looked as it was as if it had not sprouted due to the absence of air or water. The would have been no sign of germination.
How do seeds spread to far off places? Write in your own words.
Schoolvally answer:
Seeds spread to far off places by birds, animals, air and water and most importantly by humans. Birds and animals pick fruits from one place and throw out seeds after eating the fruit at a different place. Thus the seeds spread out. Some light seeds are spread out by wind that have special structures that help them to float in air and travel. Fruits like coconut fall on beach and ride on tides to long distances.
Humans are important dispersal agents, Human buy fruits and vegetables from long distances and throw the seeds and peel as waste near their house, hence spread the seeds.
Important Questions
Observe and find out
Look at the area around your school. Are there any fields, farms, pucca roads, drains, etc. Is the area sloping, rocky or flat? Think, what will happen here when it rains? Where will the rain water go – into the drains, pipes or pits? Is some water also getting soaked into the soil?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are fields, pucca roads and drains around my school. But there are no farms.
The area is not sloping it is flat.
When it will rain, the rain water will goes into the drains and from there it will to the city river.
Yes, the water that gets trapped in the potholes will get soaked in the soil, ans the water form fields and empty plots will get socked in to the soil.
Have you ever faced a shortage of water in your area? If yes, then what was the reason for it? Talk to your grandmother or any elderly person. Find out, when they were of your age:
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, in summers we always face storage of water in our area. During summer the house hold consumption of water is more that creates shortage and other reason is that the density of population is increasing every year.
When my grandmother was of my age, there was scarcity of water, as the capacity of water station and water treatment plant was not adequate at that time.
From where did they get water for the house? Has there been a change now?
Schoolvally answer:
There was tap in their house. No there has been no change.
What kind of water arrangements were made for travellers – for example piau, mashak (leather bag) or any other? Now what do people do about water when they travel?
Schoolvally answer:
Now, a days the travellers buy packaged drinking water and there are cold water cooler installed at many places like railway stations, bus stands, etc.
Customs related to water
Can we even imagine life without water?
Schoolvally answer:
No, we can not imagine life without water, Life of plant. animals and humans is dependent on water, we depend on water for our day to day domestic use like drinking, bathing, cleaning, agriculture and for industrial purposes also. Water is most important for us.
Have you ever seen any beautiful building near the place of water? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen a beautiful resting place near the place of water, near the fort in our area.
Find out
Is there a lake, well or stepwell near your house or school? Visit it and find out more about it.
How old is it? Who got it built?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are many lakes and wells near our house, The name of the lake is Mansar. History of Mansar is of the time of Mahabharata. It was built be Bbruvahana son of Arjuna and Ulpi with his arrow.
What kinds of buildings are around it?
Schoolvally answer:
There is famous Sheshnag and other temple there.
Is the water clean? Is it cleaned regularly?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the water is clean and is cleaned regularly.
Who all use the water?
Schoolvally answer:
The water is used by near by villagers and devotees take a holy dip in the water of the lake on festive occasions.
Is there any festival celebrated at this place?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, Baisakhi festival is celebrated at this place.
Is there any water today, or is it dry?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is plenty of water in the lake today and also aquatic life can be seen in it.
There are two old wells in the area where Punita lives. Her grandmother says that about fifteen – twenty years ago there was water in these wells. The wells could have dried up because:
(a) Water is being pumped up from under the ground, with the help of electric motors.
(b) The lakes in which rain water used to collect are no longer there.
(c) The soil around trees and parks is now covered with cement.
(d) Is there some other reason for this? Explain.
Schoolvally explanation:
All the options are correct, but most appropriate reason could be:
(b) The lakes in which rain water used to collect are no longer there.
Other reasons is due to climate change there could be less rains in the area. One more reason could be that many of the rivers/streams/Barsati nallah have dried or have changed their routes.
Everyone has the right to live. Yet, is everybody getting enough water to live or even water to drink?
Schoolvally answer:
No, not everyone is getting enough clean water to drink.
Why is it that some people have to buy drinking water?
Schoolvally answer:
Some people have to buy drinking water as they do not get enough water through the municipal Jal board.
Should it be like this?
Schoolvally answer:
No, it should not be like this, Every one should have access to clean drinking water.
Water on this earth is for one and all. Some people draw out water from the ground by deep bore wells. How far is it correct?
Schoolvally answer:
This is a mal-practice and should be stopped. This is not correct it depletes the underground water level and effects huge population.
Have you ever seen this? Why do some people put a pump directly in the Jal Board pipe line?
Yes, I have seen many people doing this in my neighbourhood. Some people put a pump directly in the Jal Board pipe line to pull more water from the water line.
What problems would other people face due to this? Do you have any such experience?
Schoolvally answer:
Due to this, other people do not get adequate supply of drinking water and the pressure of water is reduced drastically.
Look at this bill and tell
From which office has this bill come?
Schoolvally answer:
This bill has come from Delhi Jal Board.
Do you get a water bill at home? Find out from where it is sent?
Schoolvally answer:
No, we do not get a water bill at home. It is generated annually and we have to go to Jal board office and collect it from there.
The bill is sent from the water supply department of our city.
Why do you think Dilli Sarkar (Government of Delhi) is written under Delhi Jal Board?
Schoolvally answer:
Delhi Sarkar (Government of Delhi) is written under Delhi Jal Board as it is owned by Delhi government and run under their authority. People working there are government employees.
In whose name is the bill? How much money do they have to pay for each month?
Schoolvally answer:
The bill is in the name of Mohamed Umar and Dr. Mohamed Shoaib. They have to pay a sum of three hundred sixty eight rupees only.
Do you have to pay for water? How much? Is the rate of water different in different colonies? Ask your elders.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we have to pay for water. We pay Rs. 3000 per year for this. No, the rate of water is same in different colonies.
It can be done
Have you ever read this kind of news in any newspaper? How did people solve their problem of water? Did they repair and reuse any old lake or stepwell?
Yes, I have read such news in local newspaper. I have read this kind of incident happened in a small village in Madhya Pradesh. Locals their repaired and restored an old dried-up lake for collecting rainwater. They also planted a number of trees around the village. This helped them to fulfil their water requirement.
What we have learnt
Make a poster: Do you remember the slogan – “Water on earth is for one and all.” Think of some other such slogans. Draw pictures and make a nice poster.
Schoolvally answer:
Bring a water bill, look at it and tell –
Schoolvally answer:
This bill is from__01/04/2020__date to__31/03/2021_date.
How much money is to be paid for this bill?
Schoolvally answer:
A sum of Rs. 3000/- is to be paid.
What else can you see in the bill, like the money spent on repair, maintenance etc.?
Schoolvally answer:
On the bill we see details like name of the person, Address of the person, Mobile Number of the person, consumer ID, Water connection number and subdivision name etc. are seen on the bill.
No, details for the repair, maintenance etc. are seen on the bill.
Important Questions
Think what would happen if
Ayesha put a puffed puri in a bowl of water. Would it sink or float?
Schoolvally answer:
It would float because it is puffed and has an air pocket in it.
You put a steel plate on water. Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon?
Schoolvally answer:
The steel plate would float on water due to buoyancy. The spoon will float because it is heavier than the water it displaces and also the buoyant force is not strong to make it float.
Would the cap of a plastic bottle sink or float on water?
Schoolvally answer:
The cap of a plastic bottle will float on the water because it is lighter than the weight of water it displaces.
Mark [✓] for the things that float. Mark [✕] for those that sink.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Empty bowl (katori) [✓]
(b) After putting in 6-7 small pebbles, one-by-one Iron nail or pin Matchstick [✕]
Iron nail or pin [✕]
Matchstick [✓]
(a) Empty plastic bottle with its lid closed [✓]
(b) bottle half-filled with water [✓]
(c) Bottle full of water [✕]
Aluminium foil (from medicine packing)
(a) open and spread out [✓]
(b) pressed tightly into a ball
(c) in a cup-like shape [✓]
(a) Soap cake [✕]
(b) Soap cake on a small plastic plate [✓]
A piece of ice [✓]
Find out from the other groups which things floated and which sank in the water?
After doing the experiment, fill in the blanks.
Schoolvally answer:
1. The iron nail _sink__ in water but the katori _will float_. I think this happened because ____because of the portion of surface area in contact with water for nail was less and for katori was more______
2. The empty plastic bottle __floated__ on water. The bottle filled with water __sank__ because __it became heavy_
3. The aluminium foil __floated__ when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it ___sank__. This may have happened because ____because of the portion of surface area in contact with water earlier was more, but when crushed it was reduced___
Take some water in a glass. Put a lemon in it. Now keep putting salt in the water, half-a-spoon at a time. Were you able to float your lemon in water?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I was able to float my float lemon in water as salt increased the density of water after adding 10 spoons of salt.
What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water, because...…
Schoolvally answer:
I think the lemon floated in water because salt addition increased the density of water, as the result the displaced water became heavier than the weight of lemon. Hence, it started floating in water latter.
Do this experiment
Observe what happens and note in the table.
Schoolvally answer:
1. Salt:
Did it dissolve or not?
Yes, it dissolved in water.
What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
It mixed completely in water.
2. Soil
Did it dissolve or not?
No, it did not dissolve in water.
What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
It settled down in the bottom of the glass.
3. Chalk powder
Did it dissolve or not?
It dissolved partially, not completely.
What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
It started settling down in the bottom of glass.
4. 1 spoon milk
Did it dissolve or not?
Yes, it dissolved in water.
What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
It mixed completely in water.
5. Oil
Did it dissolve or not?
No, it did not dissolve in water.
What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
It started floating on the surface of water.
Could you see the salt after it dissolved in water? If no, why?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I could not see the salt after it dissolved in water, because salt is completely soluble in water. and it did not change/effect the colour of the water.
Does that mean that now the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt?
Schoolvally answer:
No, it does not mean that, now the water does not have salt in it. It means that the salt has been completely dissolved in water even without causing any change in colour of the water.
The salt is very much there in the water we can find it only if we taste it.
What difference did you see – in the water with salt, and the water with chalk powder – after keeping for sometime?
Schoolvally answer:
The difference that we see is that salt is completely soluble in water and did not settle down on the bottom after some time. There was no change in the colour of the water.
The chalk powder is partially soluble in water and settles down at the bottom after some time. The was change in the colour of water it turned whitish.
Which of the two would you be able to separate from the water by straining with a cloth – salt or chalk powder?
Schoolvally answer:
Out of the two, I would be able to separate chalk powder from the water by straining with a cloth.
Do you think the oil got dissolved in the water? Why do you think so?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I don’t think the oil got dissolved in water as it got collected on the surface of water, formed a layer and started floating.
Racing drop
You also try to do the same and then tell – which drop went ahead? Why did it slide faster?
Schoolvally answer:
The drop of water went ahead. It slide faster because of its lowest density among the three substances. As we know that the thinner the solution faster is its pace.
Where did the water go?
Think where did the water go?
Schoolvally answer:
The water went to the atmosphere and got mixed with the air in the surrounding, This process is called evaporation.
Why did Chittibabu and Chinnababu keep their mango jelly in the sun?
Schoolvally answer:
Chittibabu and Chinnababu kept their mango jelly in the sun to dry it. As we know the sun gives both heat and light the moisture in the mango jelly will get evaporated means it will change into vapours and mix with the surrounding air.
At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?
Schoolvally answer:
In my house many things are made by drying in the sun like papad, badiyan and sevian.
What we have learnt
You have washed your handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What all can you do?
Schoolvally answer:
I can spread it in sun after squeezing it.
I can use a hot iron to dry it up.
Both ways will dry the handkerchief by changing the water (present as moisture) into water vapours and sending them up in air.
What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of those things dissolves in water?
Schoolvally answer:
To make tea, we put sugar, milk and tea leaves in water. Out of these three only sugar and milk dissolves in water. Tea leaves does not dissolve in water and are strained using a sieve while pouring in pyalli before drinking.
You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly.
One way to dissolve them quickly is to boil them in water other less effective way could be grinding it into fine powder and thenmix in water
Important Questions
Find out
Do you know anyone who has had malaria?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, one of my cousin brother once suffered from malaria.
How did they find out that they had malaria?
Schoolvally answer:
He had the symptoms like high fever with chills, body ache and vomiting. He was taken to hospital post medical check-up he was diagnosed with malaria.
What problems did they have on having malaria?
Schoolvally answer:
Problems they have on having malaria are as under:
High fever with chills.
Body ache.
What other diseases can be caused by mosquito bites?
Schoolvally answer:
Diseases that can be caused by mosquito bites are as under:
Dengue, chikungunya, elephantiasis and yellow fever can be caused by mosquito bites.
In which season is malaria more common? Why do you think this happens?
Schoolvally answer:
Malaria is common in the monsoon season, this happens because water logging is common in these days, which provide suitable breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
What do you do in your house to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Also find out from your friends about what they do.
Schoolvally answer:
We take following measures to protect over selves from mosquitoes:
(a) We keep our surroundings neat and clean and ensure no water logging happens.
(b) We spray medicines in open ditches and corners.
(c) We use mosquito-net at night and burn mosquito coils.
Some of my friends also use mosquito repent liquids.
Look at the report of the blood test given here. Which words in the report help us to know that the person has malaria?
Schoolvally answer:
Words which help us to know that the person has malaria are as under:
“Malarial Parasite Found in Blood Sample.”
Look at Aarti’s blood report and find out the minimum required haemoglobin?
Schoolvally answer:
As per the report the minimum required haemoglobin level in the blood is 12 gm/dl.
How much did Aarti's haemoglobin go up and how long did it take for that?
Schoolvally answer:
As per the report Aarti’s haemoglobin has changes from 8 gm/dl to 10.5 gm/dl, which means it increased by 2.5 gm/dl, and it took three months for that.
What does the newspaper report say about the problems caused by anaemia?
Schoolvally answer:
The newspaper report says that anaemia affects both the physical and mental health of children affected with it. They do not show normal growth and their energy levels are also low. This also affects their ability to study properly.
Have you or anyone in your family ever needed to get a blood test? When and why?
What was found out by the blood test?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, once I needed to get a blood test. When I had high fever, doctor wanted to know the cause of my repetitive fever symptom, hence advised me a blood test.
From the blood test report name of the parasite was found. Words which help us to know that the I have typhoid are as under:
“Typhoid Parasite- staphylococcus typhi found in Blood Sample.”
Have you had a health check up in your school? What did the doctor tell you?
Yes, every year we have health check up in our school. The doctor said that I was fit and healthy.
Find out
Ask a doctor or elders about the food items which contain iron.
Schoolvally answer:
The food items that contain iron are as under:
(a) Meat, fish and poultry
(b) Spinach, beans and peas
(c) Apple, Apricots and raisins
(d) Seafood.
Find out and tell
Have you seen any poster like this put up anywhere?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen such posters on the boundary walls of a Hospitals.
Who do you think puts up such posters, or gives ads in the newspapers?
Schoolvally answer:
The government put such posters and give ads in the newspapers. This is done to spread awareness among people and keep them informed.
What are some of the important points given in the poster?
Schoolvally answer:
Important points given in the poster are as under:
(a) Names of diseases spread by mosquitoes.
(b) Precaution that can be taken to prevent growth of mosquitoes.
(c) How to protect our selves for mosquito byte.
Why do you think pictures of a tank, cooler and pits are shown in the poster? Think
Schoolvally answer:
Pictures of tank, cooler and pits are shown in the poster to make people aware that these are the places where water can stagnate and promote breeding of mosquitoes.
Why do you think it talks about putting fish in the tank? What do you think the fish eats?
Schoolvally answer:
It talks about putting fish in the tank as fishes will eat larvae of mosquito and stop malaria from spreading.
What will happen when oil is spread on the water?
Schoolvally answer:
When oil is spread on water it forms a layer on water and prevents the oxygen supply to the larvae larvae finds it hard to breathe and die.
Find out
Which diseases are spread by flies and how?
Schoolvally answer:
Diseases that are spread by flies are dysentery, cholera and typhoid. These diseases are spread when the disease causing germs are carried by the flies.
House flies sit on infected feces and carry diseases germs on their legs and the small hairs that cover their bodies. When they sit of human food it contaminates it and spread them. When human eats this contaminated food he fall ill and the process continues.
Mosquito check
Pot ___[✓]____
Cooler __[✕]__
Tank __[✕]__
Any open space in the school ground __[✓]__
Gutter Any other place __[✓]__
Schoolvally answer:
Since how many days has water collected there?
____Two days____
Who is responsible for keeping these places clean?
Who is supposed to get the gutters and drains repaired?
Can any larvae be seen in the collected water?
Has it caused any problem in the area? Write.
But, we should keep our area clean and does not let water to log any where and also the drains and gutter should be covered to prevent any epidemic.
Make a poster
In your group, make a poster with a message to keep the cooler, tank, drains and the area clean (wherever water collects). Put up your poster in and around your school.
Schoolvally answer:
Find out who is responsible for keeping the area around your school clean. Write a letter from your class, reporting your findings and suggestions. Find out to whom the letter should be written and to which office it should be sent.
Schoolvally answer:
The Municipal corporation or the village panchayat is responsible for getting the gutters and drains repaired.
The Municipal commissioner,
Dwarka, Delhi.
Sub: “Repair of over flowing drains and open gutter”
We have learned in our E.V.S. Book, about how communicable diseases are spread. Since this is start of monsoon, but we can see that there are water filled potholes, pots and water coolers in government buildings, This provide a heaven for mosquitoes breeding, Mosquitoes spread malaria and can make us ill. Also we have found that there are over flowing drains and open pit in our city, House flies carry infection from there and sits on our food when we eat our lunch, This can cause serious disease like dysentery, cholera and typhoid.
Kindly, start the repair work as soon as possible and save the city from epidemic this year.
Thanking- You,
Class -VB
Great Taxila School
Dwarka, Delhi.
Can you see algae in or around the water?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can see algae in or around the water.
Where else have you seen algae?
Schoolvally answer:
I have seen algae on the boundary wall of school and piyou (Water coolers) and on the surface of city lake.
Are there plants growing on the side or in water? Find out their names. Draw some of these in your note book.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are some small plants growing on the side like china grass and in the water we can see water hyacinth.
Do you think these were planted by someone or did they grow on their own?
Schoolvally answer:
No I don’t think these were planted by someone they grow on their own.
What else can you see in water? Make a list.
I can see frogs, mosquito larvae and tiny insects floating in water.
What we have learnt
What can you do so that mosquitoes do not breed in your house, school and neighbourhood?
Schoolvally answer:
We can prevent the breeding of mosquito by following ways:
(a) By stopping water logging in the Flower pots, empty bins/bottles and old tyres etc.
(b) Spraying kerosene oil, phenyl in potholes, drains and pits.
(c) Cleaning the coolers and water tanks regularly.
(d) Growing fishes in nearby ponds and lakes if any.
How can you find out if someone has malaria?
Schoolvally answer:
If some has malaria he will show following symptoms:
(a) High fever with chills.
(b) Body ache.
(c) Nausea and Vomiting.
Finally, we can examine his blood for the presence of pathogen named - ‘plasmodium vivax’, This is the malarial parasite hence we can say that the person has malaria
Malaria can be fully treated with chloroquine tablets.
Important Questions
Have you ever seen the mountains? Have you also climbed a mountain? When and where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen mountains.
Yes, I have also climbed a mountain.
I have climbed a mountain during my visit to ‘Mata vaishno devi shrine’ which is on ‘Trikuta hills’ in Jammu.
How far have you walked at one time? How far can you walk?
Schoolvally answer:
I have walked 12 Km at one time. I can walk 15 Km one time.
What do you think about the paths on the mountains? Draw a picture
Schoolvally answer:
Paths are mountains are up-ward sloping, down word sloping and in zigzag shape.
What do you think about the responsibilities of a group leader?
Schoolvally answer:
I think the responsibilities of a group leader are:
(a) Supervisory: It is responsibility of group leader is supervise the activities of team.
(b) Care taker: It is responsibility of group leader to take care of each member of the group.
(c) Mentor: It is responsibility of group leader to guide and teach the members right techniques and code of conduct and maintain discipline among team.
Guiding all members to the right path
How would you feel if you were made a leader in such a camp?
Schoolvally answer:
I will feel very happy and inspired.
What does a monitor in your class have to do?
Schoolvally answer:
The monitor in our class has to do the following:
(a) Maintain the discipline of the class and see all the students are going their work quietly when teacher is not there.
(b) Collect home work notebooks and keep them on teachers table.
(c) Ensure black board is clean, duster is there and there are enough chalks, notice board is updated etc.
(d) Bring-up the issues of the students to teachers.
(e) Help teachers in preparing students list for functions and other activities etc.
Would you like to be the class monitor? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
I will feel very happy and inspired to be one, because it is a challenging task and brings some thing new each day. I think, I have all the qualities like obedience, sincerity, responsibility and team sprit so I will be good monitor.
Find out and write
What kinds of tools are needed for climbing mountains?
Schoolvally answer:
Tools needed for climbing are as under:
(a) Pegs or ‘pitons’.
(b) Rope and sling.
(c) Stick and snow shoes.
(d) Axe and knife.
(e) Oxygen cylinder etc.
Have you ever seen a hook and rope being used for anything else? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, hook and rope is used to catch fishes, I have seen it Assam. In my home, I use it to fix a bag with my cycle carrier.
What else can we use if we want to cross a river in the mountains?
Schoolvally answer:
We can use a log of wood as a bridge, if we want to cross a river in the mountains.
Why do we need extra energy on the mountains?
Schoolvally answer:
We need extra energy on the mountains, because we have to climb upward, hence our muscles have to work more so they need extra energy.
Have you ever heard of anyone who has done something adventurous? What?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, My cousin once went to mountain cliff along with his telescope for star gazing.
Have you ever done anything adventurous? If yes, tell your class. Write about it in your own words.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I became curious after reading about birds in a book, so to learn more I climbed on large tree in the forest to see the nest of birds. I saw nest of a sparrows and weavers bird there.
I saw what all birds have in their nest like feathers, cotton, dried leaves, twigs and grass, I saw there are all types of nests big and small both. But all the nests were perfectly circular in shape. I wonder how do they measure and make it? Birds also decorate their nests with shining toffee wrappers.
It was very adventures.
Have you ever climbed a tree? How did you feel? Were you scared? Did you ever fall?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I climbed a tree last year to see birds nest there. I felt very excited.
Yes, I was scared in the beginning.
Yes, when I jumped from the tree, I lost my balance on touching ground.
Have you ever seen someone climb a small wall? What do you think is the difference between climbing a wall and climbing a high rock?
Yes, many a time children in the park climb the boundary wall to go across and get the cricket ball. There is a great difference climbing a wall and climbing a high rock. Rock climbing needs training and preparation both mental and physical and it could be dangerous to fall form a rock, however climbing a wall is easy and fun.
Is there anyone in your class whose language you do not understand, or who does not understand yours? What do you do in such a case?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is a South Indian in my class I do not understand his language and he does not understand ours. We communicate in English language with him.
Have you ever lost your way? What did you do then?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I had lost my way once in the Zoo. It was very big and was like a small jungle. I asked one of the care takers about the way to entrance gate. I went there and remembered where our teachers were sitting and joined them.
Why do you think Khondonbi would have sung loudly?
Schoolvally answer:
I think Khondonbi would have sung loudly, so that other group members could listen and find her easily, because they had lost their way and got separated from their group.
Have you ever seen someone doing something special to get over their fear? What and when?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen my friend in neighbourhood over eating to get over his fear during examination days.
Ask your friend for a book without speaking. Try to explain something to the class in the same way.
Schoolvally answer:
I opened and closed my hands a few times in font of him, he could guess that I wanted a book.
I tried to explain to the class that today I forgot to clean my teeth and I was successful in explaining the incident with my actions. I rubbed my teeth with fore-finger and then shook my hand. After that I pointed my finger down wards a couple of times.
Why do you think a drain was dug around the tent?
Schoolvally answer:
A drain was dug around the tent to trap, insects and snakes etc.
Besides mountaineering, what are other activities that can be called adventurous? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Besides mountaineering, other activities like horse riding, para gliding or catching a fish could be adventurous. All these activities need the person to control his fear or anxiety. It rushes adrenaline in the blood which is very exciting and in the end when the task it over it brings a lot a satisfaction.
You are on a mountain. How do you feel there? What can you see? What do you feel like doing there?
Schoolvally answer:
If I am on a mountain I will feel very joyous and excited. I can see the high snow covered peaks on a clear sunny day right across my sight. There would be lush green fields and birds chirping every where. I feel like camping there for some days and do star gazing at night and discover new planets.
Why did Bachhendri put up the Indian flag on the peak?
Schoolvally answer:
Bachhendri put up the Indian flag on the peak, in order to honour the county who gave her the opportunity.
When have you seen our national flag being hoisted? Collect information of our national flag.
Schoolvally answer:
I have seen our national flag being hoisted many times mainly during our national festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi jayanti celebrations. I have seen it in our schools functions and in the municipal parks during speech of politicians.
Our National flag is called ‘Tricolour’. It has three colours in it which means as:
(a) Saffron colour, indicating the strength and courage of the country.
(b) The white middle band indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra.
(c) The last band is green in colour shows the fertility and growth.
Make groups of 6-8 children. Design a flag for your group. Explain why you chose that design.
Schoolvally answer:
I will design a flag with birds and a book, this will signifies nature and learning from nature.
Have you seen the flag of any other country? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen flags of many countries. I have seen it on television, books and website.
What we have learnt
Explain why it can be adventerous and challenging to climb a mountain. How would you prepare if you were to climb a mountain? What would you take with you? Write in your own words.
Schoolvally answer:
It will be adventerous and challenging to climb a mountain, because we will see many new species of birds, animals and plants also cooking and eating outdoor will be like picnic. Walking on the zigzag path will be adventerous. At the same time it will be very challenging as one needs to push his limits and overcome fear of insects, height and dangerous animal, who can always be there anytime as an unwelcome guest.
Important Questions
Why were bastions made in the fort wall?
Schoolvally answer:
The bastions were made in the fort wall, to see the enemy army from some distance and safeguard the fort from them.
Why were big holes made in them?
Schoolvally answer:
Big holes were made in them to increase the viewing area also they can aim their weapons through them easily big holes enables flexible aiming.
What difference would be there if you were to look from a straight flat wall or a bastion at a height? How would the soldiers find peeping from the holes in the bastions useful while attacking?
Schoolvally answer:
Through a straight wall we can look in one direction only, but from a bastion one can see distant targets from several directions. Bastions surely provides a security shield to the fort.
Soldiers find peeping from the holes in the bastions useful while attacking because this gives them height advantage, they can see the number of soldiers in the enemy army, there weapons, watch their actions and then plan their attack.
How would the fountains have worked?
Schoolvally answer:
Fountains would have worked with the help of the water supply from the large reservoir tanks.
What arrangements would have been made in the building for air and light?
Schoolvally answer:
Large doors, large windows and lattice screen (jaali pattern carved with hammer and chisel) would have been made to allow air and light enter the building.
Look carefully at the picture of the beautiful carving on the wall. What kind of tools would have been used for such fine carving?
Schoolvally answer:
Chisel of many sizes and shapes and hammer made up of iron or bronze would have been used for such fine carving.
We still do not have any electricity at many places in our country. Even at places which do have electricity, imagine what would happen if there was no electricity for one week. What are the things that would be difficult to manage without it?
Schoolvally answer:
If there was no electricity for one week, our life will come to a halt as all most all the appliances in house like oven, fridge, A.C, iron, fan, T.V, computers and lights etc. work on electricity.
We will not have water in taps as water pumps will not work. All charging dependent devices like mobiles and electric cars will be useless transport and communication will stop.
We are greatly dependent on them it will be difficult to manage basic daily activities like cleaning and cooking.
Look carefully at the map of Golconda. On the map, arrows show all the four directions.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) If you are peeping inside from Bodli Darwaza, in which direction from you is Katora Hauz?
North direction.
(b) If someone is entering from Banjara Darwaza, in which direction from her is Katora Hauz?
South direction.
(c) In which direction will you walk from Bala Hisar to reach Moti Mahal?
East direction.
(d) How many gates can you see on the outer walls of the fort?
Nine gates.
(e) Count how many palaces are there in the fort?
Three palaces.
(f) What arrangements for water can you see inside the fort? For example, wells, tanks, stepwells.
On the map, 1 cm distance is equal to a distance of 110 metres on the ground. Now tell
Schoolvally answer:
On the map the distance between Bala Hisar and Fateh Darwaja is __9cm__ On the ground, the distance between the two would be __ 9 x 110 = 990 __ metres.
How far is Makai Darwaza from Fateh Darwaza?
Schoolvally answer:
On the map the distance between Makai Darwaza from Fateh Darwaza is __14 cm__On the ground, the distance between the two would be ____14 x 110 = 1540___meters
Have you recently read or heard about any country attacking or going to war with another country?
Schoolvally answer:
There is war going between ukraine and Russia, It started on February 2022. The reason of war is a landmass cremia which both countries clam to be their part. With the passage of time conflict increased and turned into a war.
Find out what was the reason for this war.
Schoolvally answer:
The reason of war is a landmass cremia which both countries clam to be their part. Post ukraine been a part of NATO it has turned into international conflict and full war between Ukraine and Russia.
What kind of weapons were used in this war?
Schoolvally answer:
All sorts of Tanks, Fighter planes and missiles.
What kind of destruction was caused because of this?
Schoolvally answer:
Lots of Soldiers died, lots of people died, The cities turned into ashes and economic crises came up.
The big gun that Shreedhar saw was made of bronze. Have you seen anything made of bronze? What?
Schoolvally answer:
I have seen artefacts and medals made up of bronze.
Find out from your elders about some of the things made from bronze that were, or are still used in your house. From its colour try to identify which one of them is made from copper, which from brass, and which from bronze.
Schoolvally answer:
Some of the things made up of bronze that were still used in our house are plates, utensils and flower vase.
The things made up of copper are reddish brown in colour, things made up of brass are yellow, things made up of bronze are brown in colour.
Can you think why bullocks have been used here?
Schoolvally answer:
I think the Bullocks were used for moving the giant wheel with tooth and cogs.
Now imagine, how would this garland of pots lift water from the well?
Schoolvally answer:
By the rotation of the wheel the pots will get filled one by one and carry water and empty it into the drain.
Do you now get some idea about how the tanks could have been filled by lifting water from the wells? Even today we can see clay pipes in the walls of the fort. These pipes would have been used to carry water to different places in the palace.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we get the idea.
Where else have you seen such wheels attached to each other. For example, in the gear of a cycle or somewhere else?
Schoolvally answer:
I have seen such wheels attached to each other in clock, mixer grinder, lawn mover, sewing machine and in water pump.
Look around and find out how water is pumped up from the ground to higher places?
Schoolvally answer:
Water pumps which run with electricity are used to lift water to higher places.
How is water pumped up using electricity? How is water lifted without electricity?
Schoolvally answer:
The electric pump sucks water from a reservoir on the ground and eject it form the other end of the pipe which is at height.
Without electricity the water is lifted with the help of bucket that is tied to a rope and pulled.
Close your eyes and go back in time!
What is the Sultan doing in the palace? What kind of clothes is he wearing? What dishes are being offered to him? But why does he seem so worried? And in what language is he talking?
Schoolvally answer:
The Sultan is in a meeting with his ministers in the hall of the palace and also there are many villagers present there.
He is wearing a long dress with jewels stitched and beautiful embroidery on it. He is also wearing a diamond studded crown made of gold.
He is being offered gems and jewellery by a neighbouring king.
He seems to be worried about the water crises on the villages as all the wells have dried up and there is no one who can tell the reason.
He is talking in Persian language, one traveller named Al-Biruni walks in and tells what he saw in India about water management by making step wells.
Imagine the rooms in the palace—the beautiful carpets and curtains, the fountains on the terrace… and the sweet smell of roses and chameli—where is this coming from?
Schoolvally answer:
Sweet smell of roses and chameli is coming from the garden which is in the courtyard of the palace.
What are the different kinds of factories you can see? How many people are working there? What are they doing? What are they wearing? How long do you think they work?
Schoolvally answer:
I see factories to make sword and arrows.
There are 20 people working there.
Some are straightening the cast iron rods while others are sharpening the final weapons by rubbing on some kind of stone.
They are wearing only lungi and a safa on their head. I think they have long working hours of 12 hours.
Look there! See how finely those craftsmen are carving the stones using a chisel and hammer? Can you see the stone dust in the air. Do you think this stone dust would harm them in some way?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can see with every stoke of hammer on the chisel a think crest of marble sheds away and when the crafts man blows at it the dust flews in the air.
Yes, this stone dust would harm them as they are not covering there nose, this will go in their lungs and make them cough.
What kinds of pots have you seen around you?
Schoolvally answer:
I have seen pots made of clay, copper, bronze and iron.
Try to find out from your grandparents about the other kinds of pots and pans they used in their time?
Schoolvally answer:
Mu grand parents used pots and pans made up of Alluminium.
Have you ever been to some museum or heard about it? What all things are there in a museum?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes. I have been to ‘The Albert Hall Museum in Jaipur, It is the oldest museum of the state and functions as the state museum of Rajasthan.
The museum displays a wide range of metal objects, wood crafts, carpets, stone and metal sculptures, arms and weapons, natural stones and ivory goods.
It also houses a large collection of miniatures from Bundi, Kota, Kishangarh, Udaipur and Jaipur schools of art.
I have also heard about Shankar's International Dolls Museum in Delhi, This museum has a collection of dolls from all over the world and houses 500 dolls form India.
Is there any old building or monument near your house which people come to see? If yes, name it.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is an old fort neat my house, which people come to see. The name of the fort is Bhahu-Fort it is situated on the banks of river Tawi.
The fort was built by Bahu Lochan. The fort is a religious place, and within its premises has a temple dedicated to the Hindu goddess 'Kali'. Tourists come to see the fort and devotees comes to worship.
Have you ever gone to see an old monument? Which was that? Did you feel it told you a story? What could you know about those times from it?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have gone to see Taj Mahal in Agra in my school excursion. Yes, I felt it tell me a story of magnificent architectural marvel and the life style of Mugal kings.
In those times the crafts man ship was better than today and people were hard working and talented. They has great skills.
How old was it? How did you know?
Schoolvally answer:
It is said to be 391 years old. It is written there on the notice board that it was build in 1632 by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan
What was it made of?
Schoolvally answer:
The Taj Mahal was built using white marble. White marble is a metamorphic rock, and was brought from mines of Makrana in Rajasthan.
What colour was it?
Schoolvally answer:
It was of white colour.
Were there any special kind of designs on the old building? Draw them in your notebook.
Schoolvally answer:
Curvilinear forms and symbolic decorations based on naturalistic plant motifs are the special kind of designs on the old building.
Who used to live there in the olden days?
Schoolvally answer:
Nobody used to live there, it was build as a tomb of Mumtaz Mehal wife of mugal emperor Shahjahan, latter grave of mughal emperor Shahjahan was also built there.
What kinds of activities took place there?
Schoolvally answer:
It is counted as one of the seven wonders of the earth. Tourists come there, students or architecture come there and also Media persons come there.
Do some people still live there?
Schoolvally answer:
Nobody lives there, it is under the control of government of India.
What kinds of work are people doing?
Schoolvally answer:
People are engaged in construction work in the painting shown. They are doing different activities as carrying water, laying bricks, lifting loads, Unloading sand from horses, making designs, transporting material with a boat etc.
How many men and women are working?
Schoolvally answer:
There are 20 men and 3women working.
See, how they are taking the huge pillar up along the slope?
Schoolvally answer:
They have tied the pillar to rope and many men are lifting it along the slope.
Is it easier to lift a heavy thing straight up or along a slope?
Schoolvally answer:
It is easier to lift a heavy thing along the slope.
Were you able to see the man carrying water in a mashak (leather bag)?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I was able to identify a man carrying water in a mashak (leather bag).
Sangeeta thinks it is useless to keep old things in a museum. How would you convince her that it is important to have a museum?
Schoolvally answer:
Museum has the collection of old things which we cannot remake, they are of great significance as they are like live pages of a History book, they are the only way to know the culture and life of people of ancient times. The artefacts in the museum tell us a lot about the art and craft, technology, and achievements and about the events of the past.
Why do you think the chapter is named, ‘Walls Tell Stories’?
Schoolvally answer:
The chapter is very well named ‘Wall Tell Stories’, because it is about the old monuments which speaks about the time they were build and the people who lived in them, also they tell the story of our glories past.
Important Questions
What do you think the earth looks like? Make a drawing of the earth in your notebook.
Schoolvally answer:
The earth looks like an orange spherical and slight flattenedtowards the poles. This would make it an oblate spheroid.
What do you think?
If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?
Schoolvally answer:
If the earth is round like a globe, we don’t fall off because earth attracts everything towards its centre due to its gravitational force.
Do the people in Argentina stand upside down?
Schoolvally answer:
No, the people in Argentina do not stand upside down, they stand upright as we do.
Look at the photographs and write
Can you think why Sunita’s hair was standing?
Schoolvally answer:
I think Sunita’s hair was standing, because she was in the spaceship and there is no gravitational force. So her hair were not been pulled down by any force, hence were standing.
Look at Sunita’s photographs and the dates written on each of them. Write what all is happening and when?
Schoolvally answer:
9-12-2006: The spaceship take off on this date with the crew.
11-12-2006: The crew is floating in the spacecraft and experiencing zero gravity.
11-12-2006: They found it difficult to eat as the their food was also floating in absence of gravity.
16-12-06: Sunita experienced real space walk.
Classroom becomes a spaceship
Close your eyes. Imagine that your class is a spaceship. Zooo...m – in 10 minutes you have entered in space. Your spaceship is now going around the earth. Now say: -
Are you able to sit at one place?
Schoolvally answer:
No, we are not able to sit at one place.
- What about your hair?
Schoolvally answer:
My hair is standing up in air in absence of gravity.
- Oh, look … where are your bags and books going?
Schoolvally answer:
My bags and books are floating
- And what is your teacher doing?
Schoolvally answer:
My teacher is holding the chair and both are floating.
Where is her chalk?
Schoolvally answer:
Chalk is hanging in air, I front of her.
- How did you eat your food during the break? How did you drink water? What happened to the ball that you threw up?
The lunch break was great fun, as soon as I open my lunch box, the sandwich popped out and flew. I was jumping after him. I used a sipper to gulp water. It stayed there quietly.
Act out or draw the scene.
- Can you now say why Sunita’s hair kept standing?
Schoolvally answer:
Sunita Williams went 360 kilometres away from the earth, in the spaceship there was no gravity there so Sunita’s hair kept standing.
- Think why water flows downwards on any slope. On mountains too water flows downwards, not upwards.
Schoolvally answer:
The water flows downwards on any slope. On mountains too water flows downwards, not upwards, because of gravitational force of earth. Earth pulls every thing to its centre.
Can you see India?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we can see India.
Can you recognise any other place?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can recognise, Sri Lanka, Middle east, South India, china and Russia.
Where is the sea?
Schoolvally answer:
All the blue area on the photograph is sea.
Do you find anything similar between the globe and this picture of the earth? In what ways are they different?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Both are round in shape.
(b) Both have lots of blue colour.
(a) The borders separating the countries could not be seen on the picture, but could be seen on the globe.
(b) We can see clouds on the picture, but on the globe we could not see clouds.
Do you think Sunita could make out Pakistan, Nepal and Burma separately, when she saw the earth from space?
Schoolvally answer:
No, she could not have make out Pakistan, Nepal and Burma separately, when she watched them from space, because there are no visible boundaries, what she would have seen is only a land mass and ocean.
Look at a globe in your school and tell
Can you find India?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can see India.
Where all do you find the sea?
Schoolvally answer:
All the blue region is sea on the globe.
Which countries can you see?
Schoolvally answer:
I can identify countries like USA, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Saudi Arabia, China, Tibet, Russia, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Australia and Singapore, etc.
Can you see some of the countries with which India plays cricket matches? For example: England, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and South Africa.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can see countries with which India plays cricket matches.
What else can you see on the globe?
On the globe we can also see, mountains, rivers lakes and oceans.
Look at the map of your country and tell
- Can you find the state in which you live? Write its name on the map.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can locate(like Assam)/----------- on the map.
- Which are the states next to the state you live in?
Schoolvally answer:
The states next to the state Assam/---------I live are Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and West Bengal.
- Have you been to any other state?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I had been to Maharashtra.
- Shahmir thinks that there are lines drawn on the ground between the states. What do you think?
Schoolvally answer:
I disagree with Shahmir, there are no lines drawn on the ground. These are imaginary lines drawn on a map to distinguish the states. In actual only through the address we can tell about the state.
Why don’t you try to do the same with a coin? How many centimetres away from the eye did you keep the coin to hide the moon?
Schoolvally answer:
I kept the coin at my arms length around 30 cm away from my eyes to hidethe moon.
Do you think the moon is flat like the coin or round like a ball?
Schoolvally answer:
I think the moon is round like a ball and not flat like coin, because moon has sufficient gravity to pull its solid rock and gaseous atmosphere into the shape of a sphere.
When is the next full moon? At what time will the moon rise on this day? What does the moon look like on this day? Draw it.
Schoolvally answer:
Next full moon is on --. --. -- date, The moon will rise on --- hour.--- minutes. The moon look like a bright circle on this day.
What are the festivals related to the moon?
Schoolvally answer:
The festivals related to moon are as under:
i) Karva Chauth
ii) Eid
iii) Guru Purnima
iv) Diwali
v) Buddha Purnima
At night look at the sky carefully for 5 minutes. – What could you see? – Did you see anything moving in the sky? What do you think it could be? A star or a shooting star or a satellite (satellites are used for the TV, telephones and for weather reports). Find out more about this.
Schoolvally answer:
I could see big and small stars, constellations, moon, shooting stars.
Yes, moon and a big star is moving in the sky.
I found out, since this is summer time and the light is bright but pale it could be planet Venus.
On 28 October the moon came out at ___ minutes past ___ o’clock.
Schoolvally answer:
On 28 October the moon came out at _16__ minutes past __7_ o’clock.
On 29 October the moon came out at ___ minutes past ___ o’clock.
Schoolvally answer:
On 29 October the moon came out at __17_ minutes past __8_ o’clock.
On 29 October there was a difference of _1__ hours and _1__ minutes in the time of the moon rise (as compared to 28 October).
Schoolvally answer:
On 29 October there was a difference of _1__ hours and _1__ minutes in the time of the moon rise (as compared to 28 October).
Working: Subtract the time 17-16=1 minutes, 8-7= 1 hours.
If you saw the moon rising at 7 pm today, would you see it at the same time tomorrow?
Schoolvally answer:
No, we would not see it at the same time tomorrow. It will be 50 minutes later each day.
On 31 October the time of setting of the moon is given as 12:03. Have you ever seen the moon at 12 in the afternoon? Why don’t we easily see the moon or stars during the day?
Schoolvally answer:
No, I have not seen the moon at 12 in the afternoon. This is because at noon bright sunlight hides the not so bright moon light, hence we cannot see the moon or stars during the day.
Important Questions
Look at the picture on page 110 of NCERT textbook for class V and write:
What are the different kinds of vehicles that you can see?
Schoolvally answer:
I can see bicycles, buses, cars, auto, cycle-rikshaw, scooter, and motorcycles.
What do you think they need petrol and diesel as fuel?
Schoolvally answer:
I think some vehicles need petrol, some need diesel and some don’t need any thing. E.g.
Vehicles that need petrol are: cars, auto, scooter, and motorcycles.
Vehicles that need diesel are: buses.
Vehicles that do not run on fuel are: cycles, cycle-rickshaw.
Which of the vehicles do you think give off smoke? Put a red mark on those.
Schoolvally answer:
We can put red marks on buses, cars, auto, scooter, and motorcycles.
Which are the vehicles run without petrol and diesel?
Schoolvally answer:
Vehicles that run without petrol and diesel are cycles and cycle-rickshaw.
What problems do we face from the speeding vehicles?
We have many problems form speeding vehicles like:
Smoke: Speeding vehicles produce lot of smoke.
Sound: Speeding vehicles produce lot of sound.
Accidents: Speeding vehicles are prone to fatal accidents.
Do you ride a bicycle? If yes, where all do you go on it?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I ride bicycle, I go to park on it.
How do you come to school?
Schoolvally answer:
I come to school by school bus.
How do your family members go to work from home?
Schoolvally answer:
They go by bus and local train.
What problems can we have from smoke coming out of vehicles?
Schoolvally answer:
We can have problems like bronchitis, nausea, vomiting and headache from smoke coming out of vehicles.
What kind of problems can we face from noise of vehicles (honking)?
Schoolvally answer:
The most common health problem it causes is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Exposure to loud noise can also cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress.
Which states of India have oil fields?
Schoolvally answer:
States of India that have oil fields are as under:
(a) Assam
(b) Gujarat
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Andhra Pradesh.
Besides oil, what else is found deep inside the earth?
Schoolvally answer:
Besides oil, we find coal, metals like gold silver, iron, copper etc. deep inside the earth.
Find out the traffic rules and discuss them in the class.
Schoolvally answer:
Following are the traffic rules:
(a) Follow the speed limits.
(b) Do not blow horn near school, hospitals.
(c) Cross road from zebra crossing only.
(d) Wear helmets.
(e) Walk on the footpath.
(f) Walk on the left side of the road.
(g) Follow traffic lights.
We should use petrol and diesel judiciously. Think why?
Schoolvally answer:
We should use petrol and diesel judiciously, because they are present in limited amount in nature and it will take millions of years for it to form again. If we don’t use them judiciously they will finish soon and we will have to live without them and suffer energy crises.
What all can vehicles run on?
Schoolvally answer:
Vehicles can run on coal, petrol, diesel, CNG, electricity and solar energy.
What kinds of problems will we face, if the number of vehicles keep on increasing? For example, more traffic on the road. Talk to your elders and write about it.
Schoolvally answer:
Problems which we we face, if the number of vehicles keep on increasing are as under:
(a) Frequent traffic jams.
(b) Noise pollution due to horns etc.
(c) Air pollution due to exhaust of vehicles.
(d) climate change as temperature will rise.
(e) Increase in chances of road accidents.
Manju said, “Why doesn't everyone use a bus?” What do you think, why don’t people travel by buses?
Schoolvally answer:
I think people do not travel by buses because of following reasons:
(a) Bus stops are far away from their home or office.
(b) Buses have fixed stoppages.
(c) Bus timing or routes may not be suiting them.
(d) They may not feel comfortable because of crowd.
(e) There are good chances to catch communicable diseases like Covid.
(f) The conduct of bus driver and conductor may not be appropriate.
(g) Affluent class can afford comfort and luxuries so they don’t travel by buses.
(h) People if in hurry want to travel fast and bus service is slow. Etc.
Suggest some ways to deal with the problems arising out of the growing number of vehicles.
Schoolvally answer:
Growing number of vehicles create many problems like pollution, traffic jam and health hazards. There are many ways to deal with the problems arising out of the growing number of vehicles which are listed below:
(a) Car pool: People travelling to the same destination can share car or cab, this will reduce traffic on roads.
(b) Public transport: Using public transport like buses and trains and avoiding private vehicles. This can reduce the number of vehicle on the road.
(c) Use Bicycle: One many use bicycle over motor-cycle. This will keep them healthy and solve pollution problem also.
(d) Use Cycle rickshaw: One many opt cycle-rickshaw over auto rickshaw.
(e) Shopping Malls: Shopping Malls to be opened at walking distances so daily travelling can be avoided.
(f) Work from home: Encourage work from home culture where possible, so employee don’t have to burn fuel to travel for work
(g) Online shopping: Encourage online shopping though websites like schoolvally. Instead many people going to market one person can deliver goods to all of them.
What are the benefits, if we switch off the engine of the vehicles at the red light on the road?
Schoolvally answer:
The benefits of switching off the engine of the vehicles at the red light on the road are as under:
(a) Reduce noise pollution.
(b) Reduce Petrol/fuel consumption.
(c) Reduce smoke emission.
(d) Relive stress.
How much petrol/diesel can be filled at a time?
Schoolvally answer:
Scooter: 5 litres
Car: 40 litres
Tractor: 60 litres
How far can it go on one litre of petrol/diesel?
Schoolvally answer:
Scooter: 35 kmpl (kilo metre per litre)
Car: 15 kmpl
Tractor: 10 kmpl
In 2014, as compared to 2007 the rate of petrol went up by___ rupees. The rate of diesel increased by____ rupees.
Schoolvally answer:
In 2014, as compared to 2007 the rate of petrol went up by__ 24.34 ___ rupees. The rate of diesel increased by__ 28.49 ___ rupees.
What was the difference in the rates of petrol and diesel from 2002 to 2007, 2007 to 2014 and 2014 to 2017?
Schoolvally answer:
The difference in the rates of petrol 2002 to 2007:
43.52 – 29.91 = Rs. 13.61
The difference in the rates of diesel from 2002 to 2007:
30.48 – 18.91 = Rs. 11.57
The difference in the rates of petrol 2007 to 2014:
67.86 – 43.52 = Rs. 24.32
The difference in the rates of diesel2007 to 2014:
58.97 – 30.48 = Rs. 28.49
The difference in the rates of petrol from 2014 to 2017:
64.91 – 67.86 = Rs. - 02.95 (price reduced)
The difference in the rates of diesel from 2014 to 2017:
54.70 – 58.97 = Rs. 04.27 (price reduced)
What is the change in prices of diesel and petrol from 2007 to 2014?
Schoolvally answer:
Change in prices of diesel from 2007 to 2014
58.97– 30.48 = 28.49
The price have increased by Rs. 28.49
Change in prices of petrol from 2007 to 2014
67.86– 43.52 = Rs. 24.32
The price have increased by Rs. 24.32
How much did the price of petrol and diesel change from 2014 to 2017?
Schoolvally answer:
The price of petrol reduced by Rs. 2 and 95 paisa from 2014 to 2017, the calculation is as under:
(Rate 2017) 64.91 – (Rate 2014) 67.86 = Rs. - 02.95
The price of petrol reduced by Rs. 4 and 27 paisa from 2014 to 2017, the calculation is as under:
(Rate 2017) 54.70 – (Rate 2014) 58.97 = Rs. 04.27
What is the price of petrol and diesel in your area?
Schoolvally answer:
Average price of petrol in Delhi is -------/Rs 96.72 per litre
Average price of diesel in Delhi is -------/Rs 89.62 per litre
Why are the prices of petrol and diesel going up?
Schoolvally answer:
The prices of petrol and diesel are going up because of the following reasons:
The petrol and diesel are limited resource in nature and with industrialization and population growth, its demand is increasing every day. The production of oil is less as compared to the consumption of oil, Hence, the prices of petrol and diesel are going up due to high demand and low supply.
In one month how much petrol and diesel is used in your home? What is it used for?
Schoolvally answer:
In my home 100 litres of petrol is used in car and 500 litres of diesel is used in tractor in amonth.
Where all is oil used?
Schoolvally answer:
Oil is used in all of them:
(a) For dry cleaning agent for clothes(petrol).
(b) For lighting in a lamp (kerosene).
(c) As a fuel in cars (petrol), tractor (diesel) or airplane (kerosene).
(d) To run generator (diesel).
(e) As fuel in kitchen to light the stove (kerosene) and Gas (LPG).
(f) To make paints and plastic.
Where is diesel used? Find out.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Diesel is used as fuel in train, cars, tractors, buses and trucks.
(b) It is also used to run generators and produce electricity.
(c) It is used to run machines in factories.
(d) It is used in agriculture to run water pumps.
What would happen if you don’t get petrol or diesel for a week in your village or town?
Schoolvally answer:
If we do not get petrol or diesel for a week in our village or town, following will happened:
(a) There will be no water in taps and in fields.
(d) Agriculture machines could not be run.
(b) Farm produce will spoil lying in the fields, as it could not be transported.
(c) Milk would not be transferred to milk dairy and spoil.
Hence, we can say we are dependent for day to day activities on the petrol or diesel, will suffer discomfort and there will be financial loss also to some extent.
Suggest some ways to save oil.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) An effective way to reduce oil demand is to shift travel demand away from private cars to public transport
(b) Prefer car pooling.
(c) Prefer walking or cycling wherever practical.
(d) Make voyage over flights.
(e) Make public transport cheap and incentivise public transport users.
(f) Shops at walking distances will reduce travelling for daily purchases.
(g) Work from home can be encouraged, so employee don’t have to travel for work.
(h) Prefer e-shops like schoolvally over brick and mortar shops.
Have you ever collected dry wood or made cow dung cakes? How are they made?
Schoolvally answer:
I have not collected my self, but I know earlier in our house there used to be a chulla, and it was fueled with dry wood and cow dung cakes.
Cow dung cakes are made by kneading the mixture of cow dung and husk and made into flat balls, which are then dried in sun for some days.
Do you know anyone who collects dry wood or leaves to be used for lighting a chulha?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, Some boys come in the park in early morning to collect dry wood or leaves for lighting chulla.
Who cooks food in your family? What about other families in your area?
Schoolvally answer:
My grandmother cooks food in our family. Other families have maid to cook in my area.
If they cook food using wood or upla (cow dung cakes), what difficulties do they face due to smoke?
Schoolvally answer:
The burning of wood or upla produces smoke that contains harmful gases and if inhaled for long time can cause diseases like chronic bronchitis (persistent cough).
Can Durga use anything else instead of wood? Why not?
Schoolvally answer:
No, Durga can not use any thing else, as wood because, she is so poor that even she can not buy enough food for her.
Change in fuel use over twenty years
Kancha had seen a bar chart in a book. The chart shows the number of houses out of 100 that use each type of fuel. It also shows the use of which fuel has increased and which fuel has decreased over the past twenty years.
– In year 1976, out of 100 how many houses used uple and wood?
Schoolvally answer:
84 houses out of 100 used uple and wood.
– Which was the fuel used the least in 1976?
Schoolvally answer:
Electricity was the fuel used least in 1976, 1 house out of 100.
– In 1976, LPG and kerosene were used in______houses and in 1996 this increased to______. This means that in twenty years their use increased by________%.
Schoolvally answer:
In 1976, LPG and kerosene were used in__10___houses and in 1996 this increased to__18__. This means that in twenty years their use increased by___80___%.
Working 18 – 10 / 10 * 100
= 8 / 10 * 100
= 80
Out of 100, how many houses were using electricity in 1996?
Schoolvally answer:
Out of 100, 5 houses were using electricity in 1996.
–Which fuel was used the least in 1996? What percentage of houses used it in the year 1976?
Schoolvally answer:
Coal was the fuel used the least in 1996 only 2 houses out of 100 used it. In 1976 it was used in 5 housed out of hundred, hence we can say that 5 % used it.
Find out from your elders
When they were young what was then used to cook food at home?
Schoolvally answer:
I found from my grandfather that when they were young, kerosene stove was used to cook food at home.
In the past 10 years use of which cooking fuel has increased in your area? Use of which fuel has decreased?
Schoolvally answer:
In the past 10 years use of LPG as cooking fuel has increased in our area. Electricity has decreased no-one uses heating plates/coil now in our area.
Guess the use of which fuel would increase and which would decrease in the next 10 years.
Schoolvally answer:
I guess, in the next 10 years the use of solar energy will increase and use of LPG due to rising cost will decrease in next 10 years.
Imagine that a company has given you a chance to design a new vehicle like a mini bus. What kind of vehicle would you design? Write about it. Draw a picture and colour it.
Schoolvally answer:
If I will be given a chance to design a new vehicle like mini bus, I will design a mini bus which will run on water.
I think this will be better than solar energy, because we will be able to go school even on a cloudy day.
This vehicle will will reduce the burden of fare of school transport on parents, this way I will save students becoming school drop outs.
While making the design, who did you plan to take care of:
Schoolvally answer:
old people __I will make handle bars on sides as well as in front, so they have some thing to hold on in case of jerk__.
children __I will have colourful seat covers and special place to keep school bags, so children can sit comfortably__.
those who cannot see? __I will have seat numbers in braille so blind men can find their seats easily with out any problem and there will be facility of announcement before the bus arrives to destination so that they have enough time to walk towards gate ___.
Look out for news reports on oil. Cut these and make a collage. Put up a chart in your classroom. Also write your own views on these news reports.
Schoolvally answer:
News relating to oil:
Oil prices were rising globally even prior to the full escalation of the war. However, when Russia attacked Ukraine, the price of crude oil in the global market skyrocketed from around $76 per barrel at the start of January 2022 to over $110 per barrel on 4 March 2022
Make a poster with a message on saving fuel. Write a slogan too. Where would you like to put up this poster?
Schoolvally answer:
Poster: Sketch
Slogan: “Full fuel full smile, No fuel no smile.”
I would like to put up this poster in School notice board.
Important Questions
Check in your map. Which states would one pass through while travelling from Mumbai to Kashmir?
Schoolvally answer:
While travelling form Mumbai to Kashmir one would pass through the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.
Gaurav Jani passed through several states while going from Mumbai to Delhi. Find the capital cities of these states. Was there any other big town on his way?
the capital cities of these states. Was there any other big town on his way?
Schoolvally answer:
The capital cities of these states are as under.
Maharashtra: Mumbai
Gujarat: Gandhinagar
Rajasthan: Jaipur
Yes, there were big town in way like like surat, vadodra, udaipur. Ajmer.
Is Manali a plain or a hilly area? In which state is it?
Schoolvally answer:
Manali is a hilly area. It is in state of Himachal Pradesh.
Have you ever stayed in a tent? Where? What was it like?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have stayed in a tent. In Manali, It was a great experience.
Imagine that you were to stay alone in a small tent for two days and could take with you only ten things. Make a list of those ten things.
Schoolvally answer:
If I have to stay alone in a small tent for two days and could take with me only ten things, the list of those ten things will be:
(1) Blanket
(2) Torch
(3) Water Bottle
(4) Utensils
(5) Knife
(6) Rope
(7) Packed food
(8) Matchbox
(9) first aid kit
(10) Stove
What are the different types of houses that you have seen? Tell your friends about it. Make drawings too.
Schoolvally answer:
Different types of houses that I have seen are as under:
Pucca house like: Bungalow, cottage, Flat.
Kachha house like: Farm house, Hut.
Tent house like: Rebo.
Boat House like: House boat in kashmir.
During winters, Tashi and his family live on the ground floor. Why would they be doing so?
Schoolvally answer:
During winters, Tashi and his family live on the ground floor they would be doing so, to protect them selves from severe cold climate of winters.
The ground floor has only two windows which prevents the cold winds from coming in.
Their animals live there and the body heat of these animals keep this flour warm.
What is the roof of your house like? What all is the roof used for?
Schoolvally answer:
The roof of my house is flat. We use the roof for the following activities:
(a) For drying clothes
(b) For playing.
(c) For sleeping in summers.
iv) For studying in winters.
At what height is the place where you live?
Schoolvally answer:
I live in New Delhi, it is situated on the banks of river Yamuna and is 239 meters above sea level.
Why did Gaurav Jani say - “This place is so high that it is difficult to breathe normally?”
Schoolvally answer:
“This place is so high that it is difficult to breathe normally” Gaurav Jani said so because, at High altitudes the air is thin which means that the amount of oxygen is less in the atmosphere there. Due to which it becomes difficult to breathe properly there.
Have you ever been to a hilly place? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have been to Manali is a hilly place. It is situated at a height of 2050 meters in the Himalayas, on the bank of river Byas, in state of Himachal Pradesh.
At what height was it? Did you have any difficulty in breathing there?
Schoolvally answer:
It is situated at a height of 2050 meters in the Himalayas. No I do not have any difficulty in breathing there.
Which is the highest place you have been to?
Schoolvally answer:
Highest place I have been to is Manali, in Himachal Pradesh.
– For the Changpas their animals are a very important part of their life. Is any animal part of your life? For example, as a pet, or as helpers in farming.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we have a pet rabbit, which is part of my life. It is a playful animal who keen listening with this long ears.
– List five ways in which different animals are a part of your life.
Schoolvally answer:
Five ways in which different animals are part of our life are as under:
For milk: The way we are dependent on these animals is for milk like cow, bufflao
Meat and eggs: The way we are dependent on this animal is for Meat and eggs like Hen.
Meat skin and fur: The way we are dependent on this animal is for meat skin and fur like Goat.
Meat skin and wool: The way we are dependent on this animal is for meat, skin and wool like Sheep.
Ride and carrying load: The way we are dependent on this animal is for ride and to carry load like Pony, elephant.
Guard: The way we are dependent on this animal is as a guard for our house like Dog.
– Do goat and sheep need their own fur and wool? Discuss.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, they need their fur and wool in the months of winter to keep them selves warm, and will die in absence of it.
You read that in Changthang the temperature drops below 0°C. Look at newspapers on the TV to find cities in India or abroad where the temperature drops below 0°C. In which months do you expect to see this?
Schoolvally answer:
There are many places in the world where temperature drops below 0°C in the following months:
December is the coldest month with temp as low as -10 in Shimla, India.
January is the coldest month with temp as low as -40 in ladakh, India.
January is the coldest month with temp as low as -30°C in canada.
February is the coldest month with temp as low as -40°C in Russia.
Are there different types of houses in the place where you live? If yes, think about the reasons.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are many different types of houses in the place where I live. Rich people live in Apartment and Flats in Mumbai. Poor people live in Slums. The main reason is their financial condition.
Think of your own house. Is there something special in it – like a sloping roof as it rains a lot, or a courtyard where you can sleep when it is hot or where things are kept in the sun (for drying, etc.)? Make a drawing.
Schoolvally answer:
My house is a row house in suburbs of Mumbai, Though it rains a lot here but there is no sloping roof in our house. We have a courtyard with lawn and a fountain there. I find this special as most of the houses do not have fountain.
What are the materials used for making your house? Is it mud, brick, stone, wood or cement?
Schoolvally answer:
Ours is a pucca house. The material used for making our house is Brick, Stone, Wood or cement.
Look at this picture. Can you see any houses in the picture?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can see the houses made of stone and mud. They look empty because nobody lives in it, in winters. Bakarwal people occupy them when they bring their goats to higher lands for grazing in summer season.
Can you guess the similarities and differences in the life of Bakarwal people and the life of the Changpas.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can guess the similarities and differences in the life of Bakarwal people and the life of the Changpas.
(a) Both of them are mountain dwellers.
(b) Both of them rear goats and sheep for their livelihood.
(c) Both of them are wanderers and move from one place to another.
(a) Changpas tribe breed the pashmina goat that gives the highest quality of Wool. Bakarwals rear normal goats.
(b) Changpas live at higher altitudes than Bakarwals live at lower altitudes.
(c) Changpas live in Tent house made of Yak skin called ‘Rebo’ and Bakarwals live in kuchha houses made of stone and mud.
Describe how these shelters suit the needs of the people who live there.
Schoolvally answer:
These shelters suits the needs of people who live in there because:
(a) Changpas, of ladakh have to migrate from higher altitudes to lower altitudes, so need to Cary their home with them, their tent house – Rebo suits them.
(b) Bakarwals, of jammu don’t live at very high altitudes so kuchha house – Dera, suits them which is low cost and easy in maintenance.
(c) Hanjis, of kashmir are essentially the dwellers of water and are mainly confined to fishing and farming of lotus and Knol (a vegetable) on the water beds for their lively hood, They have floating houses called house boats, these floating houses suits them.
How are these different from the house you live in?
Schoolvally answer:
We all live in houses that are suitable to our needs and life styles as:
(a) I live in a Flat in a multi story building because the land prices are very high and Flat is a cheaper option.
(b) It is a permanent and pucca house made of cement and bricks as we don’t have to move from our place to another with the change of seasons.
(c) It has many windows for plenty of air and light as we don’t have to face cold waves like that of ladakh.
(d) We have only one floor, as we don’t need ground floor because we don’t have any goats and sheep to keep there.
Important Questions
Have you or anyone that you know ever faced such difficulty?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, one of our class mate is from Gujarat, His uncle had witnessed an earthquake last year.
Who all helped at such a time? Make a list.
Schoolvally answer:
Following helped at such a time:
(a) Neighbours
(b) Police
(c) People from other states
(d) NGO
(e) International organizations
(f) Doctors and nurses
(g) Army
(h) Airforce
A lot of people from other places came to Jasma’s village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers?
Schoolvally answer:
They were people from other cities who came to see what happened. They would have helped the villages by bringing in the much relief items. They came with food, medicines and clothes.
People from different groups from the city, helped them to put up the tents, But staying in these plastic tents in the cold winter months was very difficult for them.
People in Jasma’s village rebuilt their houses with suggestions from the engineers. Will these houses be safer than before in case there is an earthquake again? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes these houses be safer than before in case there is an earthquake again, because engineers and architects showed them some special designs for houses. They said that with this design, houses would not get damaged much in an earthquake.
Think, if there were an earthquake where you live, would your house be in danger?
Schoolvally answer:
If there would be an earthquake in the pace where I live, I don’t think my house be in danger, because I live in a pucca house.
What will you do to save pet animals during natural disaster?
Schoolvally answer:
Pet animals would also be in equal shock during natural disaster, I will give them high quality food and medicines if needed. I will also give them love and care.
Compare your house with that of Jasma. List in your notebook what materials were used in making both the houses.
Schoolvally answer:
Jasma’s House:
Stones, mud, wood and for decoration small pieces of mirror.
My House:
Stones, wood, bricks, cement, steel. tiles, sand and glass.
People from the groups also made children in Jasma’s school practice what they should do in case there is an earthquake. This is what they said:
- If possible leave the house and go to an open ground.
- If you cannot go out of the house, lie down under a strong thing like a table and hold on tightly, so that it does not slip away. Wait until the shaking stops.
Have you been told in your school or anywhere else about what to do in case of an earthquake?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is a natural disaster drill in our school, we have been taught about the measures we should take in case of earthquake as under:
(a) Try to move to an open area and wait there.
(b) Sit down under a strong thing like a table and hold on tightly, so that it does not slip away. Wait until the shaking stops.
(c) Do not use lifts. use stairs instead.
(d) If possible switch of gas and other electrical devices.
(e) If the situation is difficult stand still in the corner of the room.
Why do you think one should go under a table during an earthquake?
Schoolvally answer:
One should go under a table during an earthquake in order to save himself from falling objects.
According to the TV report, thousands of people were injured and some died in Gujarat. If the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, would the damage have been different? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, If the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, the damage would have been different. There would not have been so much of damage and also so many people would not have been died. During an earthquake mostly people get injured or die due to the collapse of walls and roofs of the building.
At times like this, when people have lost their homes and all their belongings, what kind of help would they need?
Schoolvally answer:
In such difficult times, when people have lost their homes and all their belongings. They would need help in the form of food and medicines primarily. Great number of people get injured and need medical attention.
Since, people have lost their houses, a temporary shelter would definitely help.
In addition, they also need some emotional support and comfort.
In such situations whose help would be needed and for what? Write in your notebook as shown here.
Whose help will be needed
1. Dog: Help of dogs will be needed, to smell out where people are lying trapped.
2. Police: Help will be needed to maintain the law and order in such situation.
3. Rescue team: To help the survivors to come out of the derbies and take serious patients to the hospitals.
4. Engineers and architects: To designs and re-plan the city.
5. Medical staff: To treat injured people and provide medicines to them.
Have you ever seen people in your area helping each other? When?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen people in my area helping each other at the time of difficulty, like COVID when the shopkeepers home delivered the grocery to us.
Medical shops and doctors and nurses where working as usual without any break in such epidemic and helping us with medicines and treatment.
Also, during festivals people help each other in arrangements and financially.
Why do people live together in a neighbourhood?
Schoolvally answer:
People live in a neighbourhood, because:
(a) Man is a social animal and cannot live alone.
(b) People feel safe in a neighbourhood.
(c) People want to share there time with others.
(d) For love and affection.
Imagine living in a place where there were no other houses or people around. How would it be?
For example, whom would you play with? With whom would you celebrate festivals and special days? Would you be scared?
Schoolvally answer:
Imagining to live in a place where there were no other houses or people around. It would be
very dull, because I will not have any one to play with I will feel lonely.
The joy of festivals will be meaningless, Roads, Parks and temples will become haunted. No I will not be scared but, will definitely be bored.
People face a lot of difficulties when they lose people from their family, or their houses and belongings. In newspapers of the last one month, look for news related to such disasters – earthquakes, floods, fire, cyclones, etc., in different parts of the world. Collect these news reports and paste them in your notebook
The news published is as follows:
Schoolvally answer:
Title: 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake
On Feb. 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Turkey near the northern border of Syria. This quake was followed approximately nine hours later by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake located around 59 miles (95 kilometers) to the southwest.
The first earthquake was the most devastating to hit earthquake-prone Turkey in more than 20 years and was as strong as one in 1939, the most powerful recorded there. It was centered near Gaziantep in south-central Turkey, home to thousands of Syrian refugees and the many humanitarian aid organizations also based there.
Make your own report which mentions the following:
Schoolvally answer:
- Cause of the disaster, date and time
- What kind of damage did it cause
– to lives, belongings, livelihoods?
- Which people came forward to help? Which government offices or other groups?
Schoolvally answer:
My news report:
Srinagar, March 21: A major earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale jolted union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, in India at 01.13 AM.
People ran out of their homes for safety and did not return home due to panic. Children were crying because this was their first experience to deal with an earthquake.
The centre of the earthquake was in depth of 200 km. in Turkey. Many of the houses shattered and merged with the ground. The scene there in Turkey is equally bad around 1000 people were injured and have been taken to hospitals. The serious patients were air lifted to London for treatment. Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has come forward for help in this time of natural calamity.
In India, around 50,000 people have lost their homes and Gujars and Bakarwals where most effected as they have reported missing of animals after the earthquake The estimated value of livestock is worth 2 Crore. Many members of changpa tribe of Ladakh are missing. They do have any livelihood now and are seeking help form government. US government has calculated the loss of property worth 500 crore in this catastrophe. These are initial estimated figures and is likely to increase after analysis by the team of scientists and engineers. Who will reach on the site by tomorrow afternoon.
This earthquake also played the role of a precursor for snow avalanche in Nubra Vally in Leh.
Lions club and Red cross society has opened their camps at many places and are providing first-aid to men and women injured and emotional comfort to the grief stricken people. Indian Army has also started search operations in the area, drones are also been used for the first time for relief operations in India said General Manoj Pande, the Chief of the Army Staff.
These are initial estimated figures and is likely to increase after analysis by the team of scientists and engineers. Who will reach on the site by tomorrow afternoon.
There are many people from neighbouring states who have come for help and are engaged in distribution of food packets and water bottles and other relief supplies. The Kissan Union has donated 1000 blankets as the relief. Schoolvally has come forward with free online education to the affected children, so that their learning curve is not effected.
International support is awaited, hope people will come out off this trauma soon and resume their normal lives. This is a very sad incident in the early start this year said by ‘Dalai Lama’.
Have people in your area ever got affected by famine or drought? Find such reports of different countries from newspapers. Make your own report.
Schoolvally answer:
Title: West India Drought 2025
A period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged for the lack of water to cause serious hydrologic imbalance in the affected area." Is how scientifically drought is defined. But those who suffers have defined as “death without water”. Woefully, India is hit by this natural calamity and is declared as West India drought 2025 by President of India in parliament yesterday.
The most hit regions are desert states of Rajasthan and Gujrat, first time lake city Udaipur is also been affected by this. To some extent entire country is seriously suffering from drought this year. Rajasthan has been receiving scanty rainfall for the last five years.
This drought has led to miserable groundwater situations, drying of lakes and dams and ecological distress across the sandy regions of the country.
Locals after fighting with the tough conditions and pains of the drought had finally decided to move to neighbouring states of Haryana and Punjab. Temporary sentiments have been made by the BSF in Punjab. Free Langer (community meals) is been organized by the local religious bodies in this time of difficulty.
The desert dwellers who are majorly dependent on the live stocks like camel and sheep are facing threat for the poverty as most of their animals have died in this drought.
The Prime Minister, has announced a large relief package of 625 crore for re-establishment and helping the people affected. Scientists all over the world are finding solutions for the impact of climate change on Indian subcontinent.
They are also afraid and seeing this as the baby step of world wide drought, where the land mass will get divided into two zones, dry zone and frigid zone.
Pakistan and Afghanistan have started taking measures to avert the ill effects of drought by distribution of energy drinks and medicines to the areas which are likely to be affected in the near future.
Arrangements have been made for rainwater harvesting and cleaning drive for step-wells in the area and stretching the Indra Gandhi canal to Barmer region in ‘Rajasthan’. The project has be discussed with the Belgium based river and rain water harvesting company BUKA GmbH.
This draught could have been averted if timely action on the climate change would had been worked out said Meghnad Gill, Chief Scientist DAFRO India post handing the report.
You may need some help from these in case of an accident or emergency. Find out and write their addresses and phone numbers. Add more names to this list.
Schoolvally answer:
Fire Station: 011-222222
Nearby Hospital: 011-333333
Ambulance: 011-444444
Police Station: 011-555555
Important Questions
Have you warmed your hands in winter by blowing on them when they are cold? How does it feel?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have warmed my hands in winter by blowing on them when they are cold. It feels comforting to blow on hands in winter.
Blow hard from your mouth onto your hands. How did you find the air from your mouth as compared to the air around? Was it hotter, or cooler?
Schoolvally answer:
I found the air from my mouth hotter as compared to the air around.
Now put your hands at some distance from your mouth, and blow again. Does the air from your mouth feel warm? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
No, when I blow again with my hands at some distance from my mouth, the air from my mouth does not feel warm, this happens because, the air blown from my mouth has to travel some distance here it gets mixed with the air around and looses its heat.
Can you think of any other way in which you use the warmth from your breath?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, it could be to alleviate pain of minor spams and injuries.
Fold a piece of cloth 3-4 times. Now bring it close to your mouth and blow hard on it. Did the cloth become warm?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the cloth becomes warm.
Balishtiye saw that the woodcutter was trying to cool the hot potatoes by blowing on them. What would have happened if he had eaten the potatoes without cooling them?
Schoolvally answer:
He would have burned his tongue and mouth.
Have you ever burnt your tongue when you ate or drank something that was too hot? How do you cool some food when it is too hot?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, many times. When I am in hurry I gulp hot milk and burn my mouth. To cool some food when it is too hot, I put it under fan for some time.
If you were to cool these three hot things – dal, roti, rice – in which ways would you do so?
Schoolvally answer:
To cool dal, I will stir it in the bowl with a spoon.
To cool roti, it will cut it in in two halves.
To cool rice, I will spread it on the plate.
For what other things do you blow air from your mouth?
Schoolvally answer:
We blow air from our mouth to do the following:
(a) To clean spectacles.
(b) To make soap bubbles.
(c) To whistle
(d) To blow away eraser dust from notebook.
(e) To dry nail polish.
(f) To blow off candle.
(g) To Inflate balloon.
(h) To play wind instruments like harmonica, flute, trumpet, etc.
Make whistles of the things given below. Write in a sequence–from the loudest to the softest whistle.
Schoolvally answer:
The sequence of whistles from the loudest to the softest will be as under:
- The cap of a pen
- With fingers.
- Wrapper of a toffee
- A balloon
- With comb and paper sheet.(any other)
- A leaf
Have you seen people playing different musical instruments like flute, dholak, been ...., guitar, mridang, etc. Can you recognise their sounds with your eyes closed? Find out more about these musical instruments. Collect their pictures too.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can recognize their sounds with my eyes closed. Musical instruments are categorised in 4 main types as under:
(a) Stringed musical instruments: Stringed musical instruments produces music by a stretched string. For example: Guitar Sitar, Veena, Mandolin, Ukulele, etc.
(b) Wind musical instruments: Wind musical instruments produce music by vibration of air columns inside them For example: Flute, Harmonica, trumpet, etc.
(c) Membrane musical instruments: Membrane musical instruments produce music by vibration of stretched membranes. For example: Tabla, dokak, drum set, mridang etc.
(d) Plate type musical instruments: Plate type musical instruments produce music by vibration of thick plates. For example: Cymbals and noot.
Can you name some things which produce melodious or pleasing sounds when we blow into them.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, We get melodious sound by all the wind instruments. like flute, mouth-organ, trumpet etc.
We can also produce melodious sounds, If we:
(a) Blow across the top of the glass bottle, we can set the air molecules vibrating and produce sound waves, we can also adjust the pitch by adjusting the water level in the bottle.
(b) We get a cracking sound if we blow into a plastic disposable bottle with our lips tightly pressed against its mouth, we can control the rhythm by monitoring our blowing pace.
Have you seen someone blowing on their spectacles to wipe them clean? How does the air from the mouth help in cleaning the spectacles?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen my father blowing on their spectacles to wipe them clean.
The air from the mouth help in cleaning the spectacles, because when we breathe out we exhale carbon dioxide along with water vapours. This moisten the glass of the spectacles and help in cleaning them.
Take a glass. Bring it near your mouth and blow hard on it. Do this two or three times. Does the glass look hazy?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the glass look hazy.
Can you make a mirror hazy in the same way? Can you tell by touching the mirror what made it hazy? Is the air you blew from your mouth dry or wet?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we can make a mirror hazy in the same way.
Yes, it is water vapour that made it hazy, we can tell this by touching the mirror.
The air we blew from your mouth is wet, it is because of presence of water vapour in the air we breathe out.
Put your hand on your chest. When you breathe in, does your chest come out or go in.
Schoolvally answer:
When I breathe in, my chest comes out.
– Take a deep breath in
– Ask your friend to measure your chest with a thread. Measurement__32 cm__
Schoolvally answer:
Measurement__32 cm__
– Now breathe out. Again ask your friend to measure your chest. Measurement___28 cm_
Schoolvally answer:
Measurement__28 cm__
– Was there any difference in the two measurements of your chest?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes there was difference in the two measurements of my chest. When I breathe in, the measurement of my chest is more and when I breathe out it is less. In my case, the difference was 4 cm.
– Put your finger under your nose. Can you feel any air when you breathe out from your nose?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I Can you feel some air when I breathe out from my nose.
– Count how many times in one minute do you breathe in and breathe out.
Schoolvally answer:
In one minute in breathe and out, 25 times.
– Jump 30 times. Did you feel breathless?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, after jumping I felt breathless.
– Now again count how many times in one minute you breathed in and out.
Schoolvally answer:
In one minute in breathe and out, 35 times.
– What was the difference in your count before and after jumping.
Schoolvally answer:
The difference is of 10 breaths.
You have all heard the ‘tick tick’ of the clock. Have you seen a doctor using a stethoscope to listen to our chest?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen a doctor using a stethoscope to listen to our chest.
What do you think she hears?
Schoolvally answer:
I think, she hears the heart beat.
Where is the sound coming from?
Schoolvally answer:
The sound is coming from our heart.
Is there a clock inside your chest that keeps ticking away?
Schoolvally answer:
No, there is not a clock inside our chest that keeps ticking way. Heart sounds are created from blood flowing through the heart chambers, as the heart valves open and close during the pumping of blood.
Do you want to listen to your heartbeat?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I want to listen my heart beat.
Did you hear a dhak-dhak sound?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I placed the end attached with funnel to left side of my chest, and I could listen to the dhak-dhak sound through the other end of the rubber tube.
– Can you understand from the movement of the snake - if the air is moving upwards or downwards?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can understand from the movement of the snake, whether the air is moving upwards or downwards, because the snake moves in a clock-wise direction when the air flows upwards and it moves in an anti clock-wise direction when the air flows downwards.
While playing, Amit hit a wall. His forehead was swollen. Didi immediately folded a scarf (4-5 times), blew on it and kept it on Amit's forehead. Why do you think didi did this?
Schoolvally answer:
I think didi did this, so that Amit may not get goose-egg (swelling/lump) on this forehead and to soothe his pain.
We blow to cool hot things as well as to warm them. Give examples of each.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, We blow to cool the hot things as well as to warm the cold things. The examples are given as under:
To cool things:
(a) To cool hot drinks like tea, coffee and chicken soup.
(b) To cool eatables like khichdi, magi and masala-dosa, etc.
To warm things:
(a) To warm our cold hands in winter.
(b) To warm ball point pen refill in winter.
Important Questions
Have you seen such scenes around you?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen such scenes around me.
Have you ever thought of people who do this work? What is our responsibility to keep the place clean?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have thought of people who do this work. We should use dust bins and do not litter trash.
Why do you think people need to do this kind of work?
Schoolvally answer:
People need to do this kind of work for many reason:
(a) They are not qualified enough for other government jobs.
(b) They do not have enough money to do business.
(c) Other members of their family are doing the same work, there is a pressure on them to join.
Talk with people who do the cleaning job around your house and school.
Since when have they been doing this work?
Schoolvally answer:
They have been doing this work from 1990.
How much have they studied?
Schoolvally answer:
They have studied upto 5th standard.
Have they tried to look for some other work?
Schoolvally answer:
No, they have not tried to look for any other work.
Did the elders in their family also do this work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the elders in the family also do this work.
What kind of difficulties do they face in doing this work?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) They have to get up early in the morning for work.
(b) Drainage system is not planned.
(c) They are under constant threat of getting infected.
(d) Their work conditions are not good.
What are the different kinds of work being done in this drawing? List any five of these.
Schoolvally answer:
Different kinds of work being done in this drawing are as under:
(a) Milking.
(b) Selling.
(c) Manhole cleaning.
(d) Teaching
(e) Driving
(f) Treating sick
(g) Hawker
(h) Cleaning the road.
(i) Making sweets
(j) Painting houses
(k) Collecting recyclable waste
(l) Dry-cleaning.
(m) Painting
(n) Office work.
(o) Teaching
If you were asked to do any five jobs shown in this picture, which would you choose? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Drawing: I like drawing.
(b) Dry-cleaning: I think this is a good business.
(c) Painting: I like to paint.
(d) Office work: I know computers can do this work.
(e) Teaching: I want to be a science teacher.
Which five jobs would you not choose? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Milking: I don’t like cows.
(c) Manhole cleaning: There are chances of Infection.
(f) Treating sick: There are chances of Infection and you have to work 24 hours.
(g) Hawker: It is a laborious job.
(h) Cleaning the road: There are chances of Infection.
What kinds of work or jobs do people not want to do? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) People do not want to do jobs that are not, well paid and safe to do.
(b) People do not want to do jobs that laborious and involve long working hours.
(c) People do not want to do jobs that involve exposure to poisonous substances or Infections.
So, who does this kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that others do not want to do?
Schoolvally answer:
People do this kind of work that others do not want to do because:
(a) They don’t have any other job to do.
(b) They are not educated enough to get higher positions in government jobs.
(c) Other members of their family are doing the same work.
What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, then what would happen?
Schoolvally answer:
There would be great problem, if no body did this work. There will be heaps of garbage lying outside our school and home.
Diseases, will spread and there would be foul smell every where and we will fall ill.
Think of some ways (machines, or other things) so that people would not have to do the work they don't like to do. Draw a picture of what you thought.
Schoolvally answer:
Engineers have invented several machines that have automated the garbage collection and road cleaning process. The job now, involves minimum risk of getting infected.
(a) One such machine is road sweeper machine, This is an auto-mobile which cleans the roads and collects all the garbage in digester. This garbage can latter be disposed safely.
(b) Improved sewage plan can reduce the chocking and clogging of drains, hence can reduce the involvement of human.
Why did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning. What do you think about this?
Schoolvally answer:
Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning to make people aware of hygiene and pass a message to the masses that; “one needs to clean his own toilets and not take any services for this.”
Do you know any such people in your area who try to help others in solving their problems? Find out and discuss in the class.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, In my area our society watchman is one such person. He is a talented person and help all of us in minor repairs and laborious work like shifting or any other chores. He helped me also once, when I broke chain of my cycle.
Guests at Gandhiji’s Ashram had to learn this work also. If you were one of these guests, what would you do?
Schoolvally answer:
I would learn it, and do it there after in my home, and also tell other's to do it.
What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house, or outside? Who cleans the toilet?
Schoolvally answer:
We have a toilet seat connected to a septic tank. The toilet is inside the house, we clean our toilet our selves.
How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?
Schoolvally answer:
The man returning from the toilet talked badly to Mahadevbhai.
He pointed to him and said “There is a lot of dirt over there. Go and clean that!” This shows that he is under impression that, toilet cleaning in responsibility of Mahadevbhai only.
He behaved like this, because there was distribution of work as per caste in the society.
Sweepers and the cleaners were marked as lower-caste people and were ill treated.
How do people generally behave with those people who clean toilets and drains? Write.
Schoolvally answer:
In old days, Sweeping and toilet cleaning was reserved job for a particular caste. Sweepers and the cleaners were marked as lower-class people and were ill treated then, Now Sweepers is a permanent position in municipality and the recruitment is open for all castes.
Narayan and Gandhiji discussed all this many years ago. Have things changed now?
Schoolvally answer:
Narayan and Gandhiji discussed all this many years ago that “Untouchability is a serious matter. With lot of their hard-work things have changed now, There are reservation in government jobs for lower-casts people. their financial conditions have improved now and they are in leading roles in India.
Who does the cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?
Schoolvally answer:
In our school there are separate staff, designated as sweepers. They clean playground, lobby and toilets.
Do all children like you help in this? If yes, how?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, we help in cleaning the class room, benches, dusting the class notice board and cleaning black board etc.
If all do not help, why not?
Schoolvally answer:
Students, who have some deformity or any other problem do not help.
Do all children, do all kinds of work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, all children do all kind of work.
Do they sometimes have to miss classes to do this work?
Schoolvally answer:
No, they do not have to miss classes to do this work. This work is done in rotation during the morning assembly time.
Do the girls and boys do the same kinds of work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, girls and boys do the same kinds of work.
What all work do you do at home?
Schoolvally answer:
In my home I do, shopping and gardening only.
Is the work done by boys and girls, men and women the same?
Schoolvally answer:
No, there is difference in the work done by boys and girls, men and women. Girls and women do less laborious and less risky work.
Would you like to bring some change? What kind?
Schoolvally answer:
I would like to bring gender equality and equality among all casts. I would give equal opportunity to the last man of society.
Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not, why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?
Schoolvally answer:
No, people do not look at different kinds of work in the same way.
This is so because, they think labour work, cleaning work and other menial jobs belong to less educated people.
It is important to bring change because:
(a) With high rate of unemployment in country, highly qualified people are doing jobs which were once considered as low profile.
(b) Most of the menial work have been automated and small craftsman ship job has been taken over by big industries or declared outdated. Hence, division of work cannot be basis of caste system any more.
Gandhiji’s favourite song (bhajan) is given here. This bhajan is in Gujarati. Try to understand the meaning of these lines with the help of your elders. Think about these lines.
Schoolvally answer:
This devotional song is written by Poet-philosopher ‘Narsinh Mehta’ in ‘Gujrati’ language. About 400 years ago and is one of the favourite of Gandhiji’s. This devotional song has gathered international fame, because of his high depth meaning yet simple presentation.
To my understanding the meaning of this devotional song is:
Call those people Vaishnav or (The devotee of Vishnu) indeed who empathise with the others, and those who help others not to satisfy their ego but only with the objective- help.
Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every kind of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change? What are some changes that will happen in your own house?
Yes, I agree, feel good and appreciate that every person should do every kind of work.
If everyone followed this, the thing that would change is that; there will be respect for other person even if he is doing menial work.
In my own house, no work will be considered low or disrespectful.
Important Questions
Is there any place to play near your house?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is children park near my house.
What do people play there? Who plays there?
Schoolvally answer:
People play there badminton and kho-kho. Young boys and girls play there.
Do the children of your age also get a chance to play there?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, children of my age also get a chance to play there, but for swings we have to wait for our turn.
What other things happen at this place?
Schoolvally answer:
Senior citizens come there for walk and yoga. People come to fill water from tap.
Has anyone ever stopped you from playing some games? Which games?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, care taker has stopped us from playing some games. Like Gilli-danda and cricket.
Who stopped you and why? What did you do then?
Schoolvally answer:
The care taker stopped us because, it could injure others. We stopped playing Gilli-danda and cricket in the park.
Did anyone help you and encourage you to play?
Schoolvally answer:
There are many big boys who help us to get the shuttle cock from trees, they also encourage us by teaching right moves of the game.
Do girls and boys play different types of games in your school or neighbourhood? If yes, then which games do the boys play and which do the girls play?
Schoolvally answer:
No, girls and boys don’t play different types of games in our school or neighbourhood.
Do you think that there is any difference between the games and the way they are played by boys and girls?
Schoolvally answer:
No there is no difference between the games, but there is difference in the way they are played by boys and girls. Boys make more noise while girls don’t make much noise.
Should the games for boys and the girls be different? What do you think?
Schoolvally answer:
No, the games for boys and the girls should not be different.
Have you ever played as part of a team of your class, school or neighbourhood? Whom did you play with? What game did you play?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have played as part of a team of school. We played with Shivaji house. I played Badminton.
What is the difference between playing for yourself and for the team?
Schoolvally answer:
When you play for your-self, it is for fun and time pass. But when you play for the team, it is a matter of prestige and your small mistakes will effect the performance of entire team.
While playing in a team would you like to play for yourself or for the team? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
While playing in a team, I would like to play for the team because, while playing as an individual one is responsible for the performance of other members of the team. Loosing or winning the game is equally distributed among all the members.
Is your team like the team Afsana played with at Sholapur or like the Nagpada team? How?
Schoolvally answer:
I would say that, my team is like the Nagpada team. The members of my team are very cooperative and sensitive. They encourage each other and help members to perform better. There is mutual respect among the members of the team and good understanding.
Have you ever taken part in some game or competition from your school or area? How did you feel?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have taken part in many games and represented my house, It feels good, but at the same time there is lot of pressure. The game not only remains game, and winning becomes a mission.
Did you go to some other place to play? What was that place like? How did you like going to that place?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes. I have gone to another in Delhi to play kho-kho. The school was big and the ground was well organized with resting place and green room for players. Also comfortable seating arrangement for viewers could be seen. I like going to that place it was a good experience.
Have you seen matches being played between India and other countries? Which ones?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen matches been played between India and other countries on T.V. I have seen Indian Premier league, which is a men's Twenty20 (T20).
We all know about the cricketers of India, and we all like them. Do people also know and like the Indian players who play some other games? (Yes or No). What do you feel about it? Do you know the players of the Indian football or kabaddi team?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, people also know and like the Indian players who play some other games. But cricket is more popular in India compared to other games, I feel bad because our national game is hockey and it is not getting popular among Indians.
Yes, I know players of Indian football or kabaddi team, they are mentioned below:
Players of Indian football team:
(a) Sunil Chhetri
(b) Bipin Singh
(c) Lallianzuala Chhangte
(d) Anwar Ali
(e) Naorem Roshan Singh
Players of Indian kabaddi team:
(a) Pawan Kumar Sehrawat
(b)Vikas Khandola
(c) Rohit Gulia
(d) Ravinder Pahal
(e) Sunil Kumar
What would happen if girls are not allowed to play games, to study or do some other work of their choice?
Schoolvally answer:
If girls are not allowed to play games, to study or do some other work of their choice, we will not to able to see their talent and explore their potential.
How would you feel if you were not allowed to take part in some game or drama?
Schoolvally answer:
In will feel, sad.
Have you heard of any women players? Name them and the games they play.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have heard name of many women players, They are as:
(a) Mithali Raj — Cricket
(b) Sania Mirza — Tennis
(c) Saina Nehwal — Badminton
(d) Mary Kom — Boxing
(e) Dipika kumari — Archery
In which areas other than sports have you heard of women getting recognition?
Schoolvally answer:
The areas other than sports where woman get recognition is given below:
(a) Nirmala Sitharaman – Politician
(b) Nita Ambani – Business Women
(c) Durga Shakti Nagpal – IAS
(d) Meghna Arora – Pilot
(e) Droupadi Murmu – President of India
(f) Deepika Padukone – Actress
(g) Neha Kakkar - Singer
Are these women less known than men? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
No, these women are not less known then men.
How would you find the world to be, if girls never got a chance to take part in games, drama or dance? How would you feel if such a thing happened to boys?
Schoolvally answer:
The world would be called unfair, if girls never got a chance to take part in games, drama or dance. If such a thing happened to boys, I would feel equally bad and call unfair and bias.
Do you know of any woman or girl who you would want to be like when you grow up? (Think of names other than a film actor or a model)
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, when I grow up, I want to be like Kalpana Chawla and go in space.
The newspaper report said, “Afsana has jumped over the wall. The gender wall that her mother had put up for her.” Think and write in your own words, what was this wall? What do you understand by ‘gender bias’?
Her mother wanted her to be dependent and not Independent. This was wall of narrow minded ness. That a girl should not live independently and should remain burden on father or husband. She should not study and take up a government job or go out to work.
Her mother was happy seeing her washing utensils for living. But Afsana worked hard and became basketball player. Hence, The newspaper report said, “Afsana has jumped over the wall.
Gender bias:
Gender bias is behavior that shows favoritism toward one gender over another. Most often, gender bias is promoted as the act of favoring men or boys over women or girls. This is done so that the laws can be constituted undisputed in favor of girls or women.
Should games for boys and girls be different? Think and write what you feel.
Schoolvally answer:
No, games of boys and girls should not be different. I feel that girls are equally capable and talented and should be allowed to play all the games.
If you are made the leader of a team, how will you prepare your team?
Schoolvally answer:
If I will be made leader of a team, I will ensure nutritious diet along with the exercises, so the players develop stamina for any game they choose.
I will prepare them by inculcating following qualities:
(i) Respecting all the team members equally.
(ii) Exploring the potential of every team member fully.
(iii) Encouraging and motivating them.
Important Questions
Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?
Schoolvally answer:
Feeling lonely in the crowd means not being heard. This is caused out of different reasons:
(a) When you can not interact with each other aboutwhat you want to share with them.
(b) Maybe they do not pay attention to your problem.
Yes, I felt like this, Last year. I wanted to join hockey team, but I was not selected. I requested all the teachers, but they did not help me with my problem I felt like been lonely in the crowd.
Imagine how it feels to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place?
Schoolvally answer:
It feels very sad to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place. Some of the general reasons are as under:
(a) Where we live we get emotionally attached to the place and the environment.
(b) Where we live we get adapted to the living conditions and climate.
(c) It may not be financially viable for resettle again.
(d) The could be possibility of good fortune in near future there.
Why do you think families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities?
Schoolvally answer:
I think, families like Jatrya’s are goingto big cities because of the following reasons:
(a) In search of jobs and livelihood.
(b) In Expectation of better salary and wages.
(c) Famine and droughts like conditions in villages.
(d) Poverty and lack of opportunities.
(e) To fulfil their dreams.
Have you seen any children (in your school or neighbourhood) who also go to work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen many children in my neighbourhood, who are forced to work because, they are boys and are expected to help their parents, They work as newspaper boys and scrap pickers.
What kind of work do they do? Why do they have to work?
Schoolvally answer:
They do different kinds of work which are listed as under:
(a) News paper boys.
(b) Scrap pickers.
(c) Toys and balloon sellers.
(d) Handicraft items seller.
(e) Helper in houses.
(f) Helper in small shops and factories.
They have to work because, of following reasons:
(a) Poverty
(b) lack of employment opportunities for parents.
(c) Migration
(d) Emergencies
In Khedi village what all did children learn?
Schoolvally answer:
They learned following:
(a) To dance together.
(b) To play flute and dhol.
(c) To make pots of clay and bamboo.
(d) To recognise birds and imitate their sounds, etc.
What do you learn from your elders?
Schoolvally answer:
I learn following thing from my elders some of them are as below:
(a) Moral values.
(b) To behave properly and live in discipline.
(c) About religion and traditions.
(d) To play carrom board and other games.
(f) Horse riding.
(g) To play Ghatam ‘Matka’.
Jatrya learnt so many things in Khedi. How many of those would be useful for him in Mumbai?
Schoolvally answer:
Jatrya learnt so many things in Khedi, some of them which would be useful for him in Mumbai are as under:
(a) Knowledge about medicinal plants.
(b) Fishing knowledge.
(c) Dancing knowledge.
(d) Musical instrument playing knowledge.
(e) Pot making knowledge.
(f) Knowledge of selling things in market.
Do you hear the sounds of birds everyday? Which ones?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I hear the sounds cuckoo, crow, sparrow, parrot. Myna and Kite every day. During winters, I do hear the sound of some migratory birds who make their nests in the forest near the lake in my village.
Can you imitate the sound of any bird? Show how.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can imitate the sound of Myna.
What are some of the sounds that you hear everyday, but the people of Khedi may not be hearing?
Schoolvally answer:
Some of the sounds that I may hear everyday, but the people of Khedi may not be hearing are as under:
(a) Sound of trafficand their horns.
(b) Sound of music systems and loud speakers.
(c) Sound of hawkers and sales vendors.
(d) Sound of factories.
Have you experienced silence? When and where?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have experienced silence. I have experienced it in library period in my school and late night in my home.
Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest. Why? They had to leave even though they didn’t want to. Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest, because of the following reasons:
(a) It was land of their ancestors, on which their forefathers had lived for centuries.
(a) There was plenty of nature and soothing natural sounds in Jatrya’s village.
(c) There was peace in Jatrya’s village.
(d) They had their agricultural farms on that land.
(e) They would do fishing, collect wild fruits, roots, medicines and dried wood which gives economic benefit to them.
They had to leave even though they didn’t want to because, a big dam was to be built on the river. For this, a big wall would be built to stop the flow of the river.
Khedi and many nearby villages in that area would be drowned under water. Hence, they were left with no option to leave the place and settle else where.
In Khedi, how many people were there in Jatrya’s family? When he thought about his family who all came to his mind?
Schoolvally answer:
In Khedi, there were three members in Jatrya’s family, Jatrya and his parents. When he thought about his family, he thought about his bride and children.
Who all come to your mind when you think about your family?
Schoolvally answer:
My parents and grand-parents come to my mind when I think about my family.
Have you heard of people who don’t want to be moved from their old place? Talk about them.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have heard that in the month of July, 2017. Villagers Protest Against Pancheshwar Dam, As over 30,000 families fear displacement in Utrakhand. They don’t want to move from their old place.
Do you know some people who have never been to school? Do you also know of any place where there is no school?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the newspaper boy and the scrap picker of our area has never been to school.
No, I don't know of any place where there is no school.
Think of the kinds of difficulties people have to face where a dam is being built.
Schoolvally answer:
People have to face these kind of difficulties when a dam is been made:
(a) They have to leave their cattle,farms and houses.
(b) They have to undergo pain of leaving ancestral place and resettling else where.
(c) They have to leave their ancestral profession like wood cutting and gathering medical plants.
(d) They have to reinvestmoney in building house and buying landetc.
(e)Relocating to new areas could increase theirexpenses and they will have to live under poverty.
(f) They have to face problems in adjusting tonew cultureat a new place.
(g) Above all they have to face difficulties in getting the right compensation form government.
Draw a picture of Khedi village and a picture of Jatrya's dream village.
Discuss the differences between them. Also look at the pictures your friends have drawn.
Schoolvally answer:
(In khedi village:
Lantern instead of electric bulbs.
Wells instead of taps.
Only huts and Kutcha houses and no schools hospitals, buses, trains, etc. )
Was Sinduri like the village of Jatrya’s dreams?
Schoolvally answer:
No, Sinduri was not like the village of Jatrya’s dreams. Life in Sinduri village was full of problems and difficulties for them He had expectedcomfort and luxuries instead.
His dream village included electricity for fans and lights, tap water, school for his children, and buses for traveling to cities.
In Sinduri, they had to pay money for everything like medicines, food, vegetables, firewood, and fodder for the animals. They could just not afford to buy kerosene. They lived in bad conditions and poverty here.
What difference did he find between Sinduri and his dream village?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) There was electricity, but only for sometime in a day. And then, the electricity bill had also to be paid.
(b) There were taps, but no water in them.
(c) There was a hospital but it was difficult to find doctors, and there were no medicines.
(d) There was a school here, but the teacher did not care much about the children from Khedi village.
(e) There was no free fire wood available to them they had to buy, kerosene even they could not afford it.
Have you ever been to anyone’s house as an ‘unwanted guest’? How did you feel?
Schoolvally answer:
I had been to my uncles place in America, I felt like I am been ignored, as all my cousins were busy in their lives and work. It was a new place and I did not have any friends either. I felt bored and gloomy.
What all does your family do, when you have guests at home for a few days?
Schoolvally answer:
When we have guests at home for a few days, we become very happy and get busy to entertain them. We enjoy playing games like carrom board and badminton.
Mother cooks delicious food and accompany it with Coconut Chutny and Payasam. My father takes all us for city ride or a short trip to nearby Lake. When they leave, we give them a souvenir so they can always remember the good time spend with us.
What had Jatryabhai thought while moving to Mumbai? Did he find Mumbai as he had imagined?
Schoolvally answer:
Jatryabhai had thought that he would get some opportunities to earn good money and send his children to school for good future.
No, he did not find Mumbai as he had imagined. The people of Sinduri did not welcome the newcomers from Khedi. They found their language and way of living strange. They made fun of the Khedi people by calling them ‘unwanted guests’. Not much of what he had dreamt had come true!
What kind of school do you think Jatrya’s children would be going to in Mumbai?
Schoolvally answer:
I think they would be going to a school which does not charge them any fee. For eg. a government school in Mumbai.
Do you know of any family that has come to your town after having moved out of their place? Talk to them and find out:
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I know ofa family who has come to our town after having moved out of their place.
- From where have they come? Why did they have to come here?
Schoolvally answer:
They have come from Barmer, in Rajasthan. They have to come here because, crude oil reserve has been found in their land and government is setting up a petrochemical refinery there.
- What kind of place did they live in there? How do they find this new place compared to the old one?
Schoolvally answer:
They lived in desert there. They find this new place better compared to the old one as life there was difficult because of high temperature and scarcity of water.
- Is their language and way of living any different from that of the people here? In what ways?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there language and way of living is different form that of the people here in many ways:
(a) They speak Marwari language; we speak Bhojpuri.
(b) They wear a big turban over their head; we don’t wear any turban.
(c) They have sheep and camel as there cattle; we have cows and buffaloesas our live stock.
(d) They eat roti made of millet; we eat roti made of wheat.
- Learn some words from their language and write them in your notebook.
Schoolvally answer:
They greet each other as ‘Khamma gani’.
They use the word ‘saa’ with name of elders.
- Do they know how to make some things that you cannot make? What?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, they know a type of tie-dye textile, decorated by plucking the cloth with the fingernails into many tiny bindings that form a figurative design. This design work is called ‘Bandhej’or ‘Bhandhani’.
This is a traditional design of Rajasthan and we can not make it.
Have you ever read or heard of a city slum being removed? How do you feel about this?
Schoolvally answer:
As a part of Smart City Mission many slums were removed and a link load was constructed there. I feel very sad about it, as this has rendered them homeless.
People also shift from one place to another when they get transferred in their jobs? How do they feel then?
Schoolvally answer:
People shift from one place to another when they get transferred in their jobs which is very common and desirable, mostly this happened after a fixed interval of time or when they get promoted to a higher position.
I feel good then because, this change is for their betterment and they will not have to struggle for job or face any poverty in the new place.
Some people say that – “The city people do not create garbage. Cities are dirty because of the slums.” How do you feel about this? Discuss and debate between yourselves.
Schoolvally answer:
I disagree with this statement because, of the following reasons:
(a) City people use more of packed food and throw more wrappers.
(b) City people use more packaging material which lands in dustbins ultimately.
(c) City people believe in use and throw culture and avoid repair and reuse.
But it looks other way round us many of us; the reason is that there is no proper sanitation facility in slums and trash keep depositing there and forms visible heap in their colonies.
Like Jatrya’s family, thousands of families come to stay in big cities for many different reasons. Do you think their life may be better in a big city from what it was before? Imagine how they feel in a big city.
Schoolvally answer:
I don’t think there life may be better in a big city, from what it was before the reason is that:
(a) The cost of living in big cities is very high. They will not be able to meet the standard of life they are looking for.
(b) There is lot of unnecessary expenses that one has to incur like buying water and packed good fancy fashion accessories etc.
(c) City life encourage you to spending rather saving.
(d) The job market in cities is over competitive not all get suitable jobs so suffer disappointment sooner or later.
(e) They have to face cultural shock and sometimes may find difficult to adjust to it.
(f) There is a language barrier, which may not let them get accepted in the native mainstream linguistics.
(g) They may have to face humiliation because of their simplicity and distinct culture.
(h) They many have to live in unhygienic conditions and live with some chronic diseases.
Important Questions
A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story
Are rotis made in your home? From which grains are they made?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, rotis are made in our home. They are made from a grain named wheat(Atta flour).
Have you eaten roti made from bajra or jowar ? Did you like these?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have eaten roti made from bajra (pearl millet), Yes I liked it it was sweet in taste.
In your house what is done to protect grains and pulses from insects?
Schoolvally answer:
To protect grain and pulses from insects we keep dried Neem leaves in it, also some time we keep rock salt.
Which are the different festivals related to farming, celebrated in different seasons? Find out more about any one such festival and write in your notebook –
Schoolvally answer:
Different festivals related to farming, celebrated in different seasons are as under.
(a) Makar Sankrati / Pongal: Popular harvest festivals of known as, Makar Sankrati in North India Makara Sankrati in Kerala, Pongal in South India, It is celebrated in mid-January.
(b) Baisakhi: It signifies the end of the harvest season in North India, It is celebrated in mid-April.
(c) Lohri: It is a celebration of the Start of summers and harvest season of rabi crops in North India. It is celebrated in mid-January.
(d) Bihu: This is an ancient harvest festival in Assam. It is celebrated in mid-April.
Talk to the elders in your family and find out if there were some special foods cooked earlier that are not cooked any more?
Schoolvally answer:
No, there were no special foods cooked earlier that are not cooked any more, However due to inflation the quantity of foodand richness of the dishes has been declined.
Also, they said that, the method and the utensils for preparation have been changed. They say earlier the food was cooked in earthen pots on the chulla, which gave a distinct flavour to the kichdi.
Find out about the crops – cereals, vegetables, pulses – that are grown in your area. Of those, is there anything that is famous across the country?
Schoolvally answer:
Crops – cereals, vegetables, pulses – that are grown in Punjab are as under:
(a) Crops -cereals grown are Rice and wheat.
(b) Vegetables grown are Potatoes, Cauliflower, Turnip, Onion, Peas, Carrot, Tomato, Ladyfinger and Garlic.
(c) Pulses grown are green gram (moong), black gram (mash) and pigeon pea (arhar).
Yes, Basmati rice is famous across the country.
Can you recognize these grains?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I can recognize these grains their names are as under:
Maize (Makki ), Mustard (Sarsoun), Wheat (kanak atta) and green gram (moong).
The bajra seed saw differences in the way Damjibhai and Hasmukh did farming (for example, in irrigation, ploughing, etc). What were these differences?
Schoolvally answer:
The differences that bajra seed saw was as under:
(a) Damjibhai used traditional farming methods and Hasmukh used modern farming methods.
(b) Damjibhai manually irrigated the fields and Hasmukh used a canal system.
(c) Damjibhai used bullocks to plough the fields and Hasmukh used tractors to plough the fields.
(d) Damjibhai grows different types of crops and Hasmukh grows crops like cotton and wheat.
(d) Damjibhai does organic farming and Hasmukh uses chemical fertilizers in his fields.
Hasmukh said, “With profits from our fields, we can progress.” What is your understanding of ‘progress’?
Schoolvally answer:
My understanding of progress is better standard of living, best of education and good reputation in society.
What kind of progress would you like to see in your area?
Schoolvally answer:
I want to see following progress in my area:
(a) Better drainage system.
(b) Space for parking vehicles.
(c) A shopping mall and a cinema hall.
What can happen to Hasmukh’s farm after some years?
Schoolvally answer:
Hasmukh is using chemical fertilizers in his farms, after some years:
(a) The land will loose its nutritional value or fertility.
(b) Fertilizers are expensive, to meet all these expenses he will have to take loan and whatever little profit he makes will go to repay loan.
(c) The use of these chemicals can cause air and water pollution which is not good for human health.
Damjibhai’s son Hasmukh chose to become a farmer like his father. Hasmukh’s son Paresh is not a farmer, but a truck driver. Why would he have done so?
Schoolvally answer:
He would have done so to repay the bank loan as it was getting difficult for Hasmukh to earn enough money from farming.
The seeds were not sure that what Hasmukh was talking about was really progress. What do you feel?
Schoolvally answer:
I agree and feel the same way as seeds because:
(a) Fertilizers were spoiling the quality of soil, There will not be good yield any more form their land, which will result into problem in future.
(b) Farmers used pumps to lift water from deep under the ground, which will result into problem in future.
(c) The farming became an expensive business and they had to repay loans also. Profits were constantly decreasing, which will result into financial problem in future.
Have there been any changes near your area, which may be difficult to call ‘progress’? What changes are these? What are the different opinions about them?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there have been many changes around my area, which have been done for progress. but there are problems linked to them, hence it is difficult to call them progress. For example:
(a) Roads and infrastructure are made but lack planning is there, which results in constant spending on the repair and maintenance.
(b) Faster and better transport has made travelling easier in city but has resulted in air pollution and increased the chances of accidents.
What questions come to your mind about farmers and farming? Write some questions in your group and ask a farmer. For example, how many crops do they grow in a year? Which crop needs how much water?
Schoolvally answer:
The following questions come to my mind about farmers and farming, for example:
Ques: How do you do Irrigation?
Answer: We are dependent on rains.
Ques: What kind of seeds do you grow?
Answer: We save seeds from old crop and grow them.
Ques: What kind of fertilizers do you use?
Answer: We use cow-dung as fertilizer.
Ques: Where do you sell your farm produce?
Answer: We sell in Mandi.
Ques: Do you get enough money from what you sell?
Answer: No, we do not get enough money from what we sell.
Ques: Will your children take up this profession?
Answer: No. Never.
Ques: What will they do?
Answer: They will go to other countries as labour.
Ques: What do you do if there is drought?
Answer: We take loan from rich men in village.
Ques: Does government gives you loan?
Answer: No, our land does not qualify for loan as it is in theforest.
Ques: Do you want to continue farming?
Answer: No, we get poorer with every passing year.
Visit a farm near your area. Observe and talk to the people there. Write a report.
Schoolvally answer:
I went to a farm near my area in Himachal Pradesh, I talked to many farmers there. They were involved in farming from a long time and grow all types of fruits and vegetables. Their apples are very famous and are in great demand in country.
The only reason they have not given up farming is that, their land is very fertile and they don’t have to spend any money on fertilizers like other farmers of the country.
There is plenty of water in rivers and lake but many rivers have changed their path due to over construction. They are worried about this, as it may change the ecological balance of the hills. There are frequent land slides in the area now.
They said many of the birds and insects species have perished due to mobile towers as they cause electromagnetic pollution.
Though, this trip was for a day, but I had a learning of a year. This was good experience and next time I will go Kashmir and find out how they do farming on Dal lake.
What technology could have been used to cut the stem in picture 1?
Schoolvally answer:
In picture 1a sickle is been used for cutting the cobs, from the stem of the plant.
What do you think is being done in the grinder (chakki ) in picture 4?
Schoolvally answer:
In picture 4 bajra seeds are being gridded to make bajra flour.
What ways and technologies would have been used to do the work shown in picture 5 and 6?
Schoolvally answer:
To do the work shown in picture 5, grinding technology is being used and to do the work in picture 6, kneading way is being used to make a dough from flour.
You can see that the dough is ready in picture 6. When do you think a sieve (chhalni) would have been used?
Schoolvally answer:
A sieve (channi) would have been used in the step one for making the dough, because sieving process will separate any husk or any other impurity form the flour and make it fit for eating.
Discuss each step in detail, in any language you wish to use.
The details of each step are as under:
(a) Harvesting: Golden bajra cobs are cut using a sickle from the stem of the plant.
(b) Separating: Grains are been separated for the cobs using mortar and pestle.
(c) Cleaning: Bajra grains are cleaned and dried in sun.
(d) Grinding: Bajra grains are been grinded by the women using a chakki.
(e) Mixing: The Bajra flour is mixed with water.
(f) Dough: Dough is made from it.
(g) Fattening: The balls of the dough are flatted with hands by the women.
(h) Baked: The chapati are baked on a tawa with the help of gas stove.
(I) Serving: Two chapatiof Bajra are being served.
There have been many changes over time, in our food. What can this mean? Use the seed
story and what you know from your elders to explain.
Schoolvally answer:
There have been many changes over time in our food, This means that:
(a)Earlier people used to eat a variety of foods like bajra, jowar, wheat etc., but now only wheat is popular and eaten widely.
(b) Earlier a part of grains was stored and used as seed next year. Now newer variety of seeds are used every year, these are called hybrid seeds.
(c) Earlier organic farming was been done and the produce was healthy. Now chemical fertilizers are used the crops and fruits also have these chemicals in them which is not good for health.
(d) Earlier people used to eat freshly prepared meals, now they eat packed or frozen food.
(e) Local cuisines were generally eaten and appreciated like ‘sarson ka sag and makki ki roti’, foreign cuisines are common now and appreciated like momos, burger and pizza.
What would happen if all the farmers were to use only one kind of seed and grow only one kind of crop?
Schoolvally answer:
If all the farmers were to use only one kind of seed and grow only one kind of crop.
(a) The market will be flooded with only one type of grain or crop.
(b) The price of the crop will come down, as there is more supply and less demand.
(c) There will be no choice in food items.
(d) The soil will deplete in one particular nutrient or mineral and loose fertility.
Important Questions
Whose Forests?
What do you think is a forest?
Schoolvally answer:
A forest is a large area covered with all types of trees and plants. There are many species of animals and birds there. This place is also shared by humans who are called ‘Adivasies’. Their lives are linked to forests.
If someone grew lots of trees close to each other, would this become a forest?
Schoolvally answer:
No, growing lots of trees close to each other, would not make a forest.
(a) A forest is a habitat, it is more than plantation of trees.
(b) Forest grows naturally and become dense with time.
(c) Forest have trees of all ages.
(d) Forest has very large area.
Other than trees what all is there in a forest?
Schoolvally answer:
Other than the trees there are birds, animals, insects, microorganisms and also humans who dwell in them and call it their home, they are called ‘Adivasies’.
Do all forests have similar types of trees? How many trees can you identify?
Schoolvally answer:
No, all forests do not have similar types of trees. Type of vegetation in a forest depends on the climate of the place. Trees on himalayas will be different from trees in ‘Ranthambore forests’ in Rajasthan.
I can identify many trees like Mango tree, Papaya tree, Peepal tree, Neem tree, Ashoka tree, Coconut tree, Dates tree, Pine tree and Chinar tree.
Suryamani says, “If the forests are not there, we too will not remain.” Why so?
Schoolvally answer:
It is so because, Suryamani is Adivasi, The life of Adivasi's dependents on forests in many ways:
(a) They pick the fallen flowers and leaves, to weave them into necklaces.
(b)They enjoy eating the wild fruits.
(c) To have fun, They look for birds, whose calls they imitate.
(d) Forests is their school where they learn how to recognise the trees, the plants, and animals.
Do you know anyone who loves the forest?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, my grandparents loves forests.
The contractor did not allow Suryamani’s people to go into the forest. Why?
Schoolvally answer:
The contractor did not allow Suryamani’s people to go into the forest because, he is the forest contractor and every thing in the forest has financial value for him.
The forest belongs to him now, so no one can pick up a single leaf from the forest.
Is there any place around your area which you feel should be open to everyone, but where people are not allowed to go?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is a forest on the sides of city river. It has many peacocks in it. I feel this should be open to everyone.
Who do you think the forest belongs to?
Schoolvally answer:
The forests belong to all the animals and birds who live there. The resources of the forests belong to all the citizens of that country and is not a personal property of anyone.
Bhudhiyamai said –“Forest is our ‘collective bank’ – not yours or mine alone.” Are there other things which are our collective wealth? So if someone uses more, everyone would suffer?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are other things which are our collective wealth, so if someone uses more, everyone would suffer. These things are listed below:
(a) Atmosphere: The air that surrounds us is collective wealth.
(b) Natural mineral resources: Reserves of oil, coal gold, diamond and other metals beneath earth.
(c) Water bodies: Rivers, lakes and underground water.
Do you have a friend with whom you can share everything?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have a friend with whom I share everything, It is a mango tree in our house. He is of my age. I have even given him a name ‘Yellow Malu.
Some people have moved so far away from the forest, that they can't understand the lives of forest people. Some even call them ‘jungli’. Why is it not correct to say this?
Schoolvally answer:
It is not correct to say this because, ‘jungli’ is often referred to some one who lacks manners.
‘jungli’ is an indecent, disrespectful, and hateful word, They are cultured people like us who live in forests, whose livelihood depends on jungles.
Jungle gives them every thing they need to live like food, water, shelter, entertainment and in return they protect jungle. Instead ‘jungli’ they may be called ‘jungle lovers’.
What do you know about how adivasis live? Write and draw a picture.
Schoolvally answer:
Adivasis live an easy going life. Harvest festivals are what they enjoy most. Their philosophy of life is “The jungle is there to help”. Their life and life-style is as under:
(a) They pick the fallen flowers and leaves, to weave them into necklaces.
(b)They enjoy eating the wild fruits.
(c) To have fun, They look for birds, whose calls they imitate.
(d) Forests is their school where they learn how to recognise the trees, the plants, and animals.
(e) People help each other in difficult times.
(f) They don’t waste any thing or harm any animal, they take minimum from jungle.
(g) They love jungle very much and are fighting to protect it form contractors.
(h) Their life is under threat, as the forests are disappearing, in their place mines are being dug, dams are being built.
Do you have an adivasi friend? What have you learnt about the forest from her.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have a adivasi friend from Bengal. His name is Suryamohon. I have learnt many things about the forest from him. Like
(a) How to know if there is a big animal around? by the chirping of birds.
(b) How to identify poisonous snakes? by looking at shape of their head.
(c) How to find edible fruits in jungle? by looking which animal eats it.
Do you know of any one who works to save forests?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are some men and women in our area, they work to aware people about effects of deforestation.
They do cycle rallies and marathon for awareness.
They have also come to our school for presentation to aware students.
What is your dream? What will you do to make your dream come true?
Schoolvally answer:
My dream is to become an environmentalist and find new ways to save environment.
To make my dream come true I will study environmental sciences in Oxford and do research there.
Collect reports about forests from newspapers. Did you find any news about how the cutting down of forests affects the weather? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I found many news how the cutting down of forests affects the weather, the reasons are given as under:
(a) Carbon Dioxide: Forests are like factories of Oxygen. Without forests the carbon dioxide in atmosphere will increase causing temperature rise.
(b) Wind Effects: Forests act as barriers, that slow down wind movements, deforestation leads to higher local wind speeds.
(c) Humidity: The wind passing through a forest carries away the warm, moist air to other parts of the globe. Deforestation leads to cutting off the circulation of warmth and moisture.
(d) Moisture: Plants transmit groundwater into the atmosphere by pulling it through roots and releasing it in atmosphere through leaves. Thus, bringing moisture to the local environment. Deforestation ends this process.
(e) Droughts: Forests reduce temperature and increase humidity, which favors rainfall. No forests no rain. This will lead to droughts.
In ‘Torang’ Suryamani does a lot to keep the Kuduk music, dance and traditions alive. Would you like to do something like this for your community? What would you like to keep alive?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I would like to do something like this for your community and would like to keep following things alive that are part of our Rajasthani tradition and culture:
(a) Folk music and dance:
To keep it alive, I will encourage artists to teach it to their children and others.
(b) Ethnic dress:
I will have a cultural day once in a month in schools, so children can learn about their tradition and wear traditional dress like colorful Ghagra and Choli by girls and Dhoti and angarkha by boys. Along a big safa turban.
(c) Traditional designs:
I will arrange exhibitions cum sale of such textile in schools on annual day. To promote ‘Bandhani’ print. Which is a beautiful pattern of dots on fabric.
Is there any factory or some construction work going on in and around your area? What type of work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is construction work going in our area. This is civil work for construction of toilets.
Due to the factory is there any effect on the trees and land? Have the people in that area raised this issue?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, due to the factory there is effect on the trees and land:
(a) There is coating of thick dust on the leaves of the trees and trees are drying due to this.
(b) There are heaps of factory waste on the land.
Yes, the people in that area have raised this issue but nothing has been done buy government.
Look at the map and write. What all is shown in the map?
Schoolvally answer:
The map shows the distribution of forest area in India.
You have read Sikhya’s letter. Look for Orissa in the map.
Schoolvally answer:
Orissa is in the eastern coast of India. It is surrounded by many other states as under:
(a) Chhattisgarh
(b) West Bengal
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Jharkhand
Is there a sea close to Orissa? How did you find out?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there is a sea close to Orissa. on the eastern side. I found it out as this is mentioned on the map.
Which are the states which have the sea on one side?
Schoolvally answer:
Following states have sea on one side:
(a) Karnataka,
(b) Goa
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Gujrat
(e) Kerala
(f) Andhra Pradesh
(g) Orrisa
(h) West Bengal
Tamil Nadu is a state that has sea on the three sides.
Where is Suryamani’s state Jharkhand on the map?
Schoolvally answer:
Suryanami's state of Jharkhand shares its border with the states of Bihar to the north, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh to the west, Odisha to the south, and West Bengal to the east.
Where are forests on the map? How will you find these?
Schoolvally answer:
The green colour regions on the map represents forests, We can easily find them by identifying the green colored area on map.
How can you find out which states have very thick forests and which have less thick forests?
Schoolvally answer:
The key here is, the darker the shade thicker the forest is. Hence the dark green colour indicates the thick forest cover, and the light green colour shows less thick forest.
For someone in Madhya Pradesh, in which direction would the country’s thickest forests be? Name those states.
Schoolvally answer:
For someone in Madhya Pradesh, thickest forests be in his North eastern side, mainly in the state of Arunachal pradesh and Sikkim.
In Eastern side in the state of West Bengal and Jharkhand.
In the South eastern side in the state of Chhattisgarh.
Which are the states around Mizoram?
Schoolvally answer:
Mizoram, state of India is surrounded by the following Indian states:
(a) Tripura to the northwest
(b) Assam to the north
(c) Manipur to the northeast
It is interesting to know that, It is located in the north eastern part of the country and is bounded by other countries. like; Myanmar (Burma) to the east and south and Bangladesh to the west .
Chamui said they measure land using tin. Which are the other ways of measuring land?
Schoolvally answer:
There are standard units of measurement of land as square yard and hectare.
However there are some other local ways of measuring land as:
(a) Bigha, Biswa, Marla, Kanal, Kattha, and others are used in the Northern region of India
(b) Ground, Cent, Ankanam, and Guntha units are used in Southern India.
(c) Chatak, Dhur, Kattha, and Lecha in East Indian states such as West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura.
Returning from school, children drank water in a bamboo cup. Who do you think would have made this cup and kept it in the forest? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
I think, the bamboo cup would have been made by the Adivasis and kept in the forest.
They would have done this to help the thirsty travelers to drink water, when they pass from the forest.
What could be done to save forests?
Schoolvally answer:
Forests are a vital part of our environment. Forest are the home to trees and other living things that are important to everyday life. There are many ways by which we can save forests. Some of them are as under:
(a) By planting more and more trees we can make forests dense. This increases the life of forest.
(b) Fires are bad for forests. Many acres of forest is destroyed by it we need to protect the forests from forest fire.
(c) Wild animals are real growers and protector of forests. They scare humans, keep them away from forests and they disperse the seeds of plants and extended the forests.
(d) Cutting of trees should be regulated. For every one tree cut we should plant two new trees.
(e) Forest area should be restricted for human settlements and agriculture.
Find out more about the ‘cheraw’ dance. Do it in your class. But be careful and don’t hurt yourself.
Schoolvally answer:
The Cheraw or bamboo dance is a traditional dance of Mizoram. It is considered to be one of the oldest dances of Mizoram.
Highlights of ‘cheraw’ dance:
(a) The dance is believed to have emerged out of a ritual.
(b) The bamboos are clapped together by the male dancers to a specific beat and the female dancers move gracefully while stepping in and out of the bamboo formations.
(c) The dancers are dressed in colourful traditional costumes like the thihna, vakiria, kawrchei and puanchei.
What is similar and what is different between jhoom farming and Bhaskerbhai’s way of farming?
Schoolvally answer:
Similarity between jhoom farming and Bhaskerbhai’s way of farming is that both are organic methods of farming and soil fertility is maintained.
Difference between jhoom farming and Bhaskerbhai’s way of farming is that after a crop is taken from, the piece of land it is left uncultivated, to replenish soil nutrients naturally.
While in Bhaskerbahi’s way, the same pieceof land is used for cultivation again and to replenish the soil vermicompost is used. This manure is made by dried leaves, peels of vegetables and fruits etc. and with the help of in earthworm. It is chemical free and good for soil.
Explain in your own words why forests are important for the people living in forests?
Schoolvally answer:
People living in the forest are dependent on the forests for all of their needs like:
(a) They have been living there from generations, This is their ancestral land and they are emotionally attached to it.
(b) They drink water from the rivers or lake in the forests.
(c) They collect herbs and roots to treat them selves for some illness.
(d) They eat wild fruits and vegetables as their meals.
(e) They have adapted to that environment and cannot adjust any where else.
They have been living there from generations and have no exposure to the outer world, They don’t have any education or skills suitable for cities. Hence we can say that forests are important for the people living in forests.
Did you find something interesting in jhoom farming? What is it?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the things that I find interesting in jhoom farming are:
(a) The name of farming ‘Jhoom’ .
(b) The crops are cut for one season and then the land is left idle for some years.
(c) The bamboo or weeds which grow on that land are not pulled out. They are cut and burnt.
(d) No manure or fertilizers is used, the ash makes the land fertile.
(e) When the land is ready for farming it is lightly dug up, not ploughed.
(f) Seeds are dropped on it and not sowed.
(g) In one farm different types of crops like maize, vegetables, chillies, rice can be grown.
(h) If some family is not able to do farming on time, others help them and are give them food.
Important Questions
Like Father, Like Daughter
Ashima sneezed just like her father. Do you have any such habit or trait which is similar to that of someone in your family? What is it? Whom is it similar to?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have trait which is similar to my family:
(a) I can roll my tongue- like my father,
(b) I have habit of speaking politely- like my father.
(c) I have brown hair- like my mother.
(d) I have round face- like my grandfather.
(e) I have Blue eyes- like my grandmother.
(f) I have curly hair- like my father.
Does your face or anything else look similar to that of someone else in your family? What is it?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have following features similar to my family members:
(a) I have curly hair- like my father.
(b) I have round face- like my grandfather.
(c) I have Blue eyes- like my grandmother.
Did someone tell you this or did you find it out yourself?
Schoolvally answer:
My relatives tell me that my hair style and round face is like my grandfather.
I noticed blue colour of my eyes is like grandmother myself.
How do you feel when people compare you with someone else in your family? Why do you feel so?
Schoolvally answer:
I feel good, when people compare me with someone else in my family, because it makes me feel I am part of family and imagine when I grow big I will be good like them.
Who laughs the loudest in your family? Laugh like that person.
Schoolvally answer:
My grandfather laughs loudest in our family. Haaaa Ha Haaa Haaaa
Make a list of all the family members from Nilima’s nani to little Samir. How are they all related to Nilima? Write.
Schoolvally answer:
List of all the family members from Nilima’s nani to little Samir and their relationship with Nilima is given as under:
(a) Samir- Nilima’s Cousin Sister’s Kiran’s Son or Nelima’s Nephew
(b) Nani- Nilima’s Mother’s Mother
(c) Eldest Nani- Nilima’s Nani’s Sister
(d) Elder son of Nani- Niliima’s Mother’s brother or Mama ji
(e) Kiran- Nilima’s Nanis sister’s elder brother’s daughter, Cousin Sister.
In your family are there any such examples of uncle nephews or brother-sisters, where there is a big difference in the age? Find out from your elders.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, my grandmother’s youngest sister, that is my younger grandaunt and my mother has an age gap of 6years. My younger grand Aunt’s Son’s Son and I have age difference of 13 Years.
My grandmother’s eldest sister, I mean my, elder grandaunt and my mother has an age gap of 5 years. My elder grandaunt’s son’s daughter and I have age difference of 23 Years.
Make this table in your notebook and fill it. An example is given.
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Special trait ___Broad Forehead
Whom does it resemble?____Father
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
(b) Special trait ___Brown hair
Whom does it resemble?____Mother
From whose side? ….. Mother’s Side
(c) Special trait ___Curly hair
Whom does it resemble?____Father
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
(d) Special trait ___Head scratching habit.
Whom does it resemble?____Uncle
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
(e) Special trait ___Double Chin
Whom does it resemble?____Grandfather
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
(f) Special trait ___round face
Whom does it resemble?____Grandfather
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
(g) Special trait ___Blue eyes
Whom does it resemble____Grandmother
From whose side? ….. Father’s Side
Have you seen a very young child in your (or any other) family? Whom does the child’s eyes, nose, hair or fingers look like in the family? Write their names.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have seen young child in my neighbours family. His eyes, nose and hair looks like his mother and his hands, feet and ear look like his father.
Nimila’s hair is like her nani’s – thick and curly. Nilima’s mother has straight, brown and limp hair? What type of hair do you have – black or brown, oily or dry?
Schoolvally answer:
I have dry, brown and curly type of hair.
What is the colour of your hair? Measure and write the length of your hair.
Schoolvally answer:
The colour of my hair is brown. I have short hair of 2.3 Cm long.
Is your hair like that of anyone else in your family? If yes, then name the person.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, the colour of my hair is like my mother and type of hair is like my father.
Measure the hair of other members of your family.
Schoolvally answer:
Length of hair of mother: 50 cm
Length of hair of father: 5 cm
Length of hair of grandmother: 40 cm
Length of hair of grandfather: 2.5 cm
Length of hair of Sister: 98cm
Who has the longest hair in your family?
Schoolvally answer:
My sister has the longest hair in my family.
How many people do you know whose hair is longer than one metre? Does having long hair run in their family?
Schoolvally answer:
No. I don’t know any one whose hair is longer than one metre.
Do you know how to measure your height? Measure yourself from head to toe and write how tall you are.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I know how to measure height, It is done while heath check-up in school. My height is 4 feet 7 cm or 139.7 cm
How tall do you think you will be when you grow up? Is anyone else in your family of the same height?
Schoolvally answer:
I think, I will be 5 feet and 7 cm or 173 cm, when I grow up. Yes, my grandfather is of this height.
Measure the height of your family members and write it down.
Schoolvally answer:
Height of mother: 167cm
Height of father: 170cm
Height of grandmother: 170 cm
Height of grandfather: 173cm
Height of sister: 158cm
What is similar between Saroja and Suvasini? What is different?
Schoolvally answer:
Similarity between Saroja and Suvasini:
Saroja and Suvasini both have same features, they are identical physically, as they are twins. We can say they are each others copy.
Difference between Saroja and Suvasini:
(a) Saroja knows many songs in both the languages – Tamil and Marathi. But Suvasini speaks only Tamil.
(b) Saroja lives in Pune, Suvasini lives in Chennai.
(c) Saroja lives with her uncle, Suvasini stays with her father.
Do you know any twins? What is similar in them? How are they different?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, In our class there are twin brothers.
Both are replica of each other.
One is soft-spoken and other is rude.
One is good in Maths and other is good in Science.
One can sing well and other cannot.
Do you know of twins who don't look the same?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are twin sisters of my Mama, their date of birth is same but they don’t look same.
Have you read or heard anything about polio? Where?
Schoolvally answer:
Poliomyelitis, commonly shortened to polio, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus.
I have heard about polio on television.
Have you read or heard any news about ‘pulse polio’? What?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, I have heard about pulse polio. I have heard ‘Pulse Polio’ is an immunisation campaign established by the government of India to eliminate poliomyelitis (polio) in India. T
The Highlights are as under:
(a) The mission is to vaccinate all children under the age of five years against the polio virus.
(b) In India, vaccination against polio started in around 1972.
(c) This vaccine is given free of cost, in all government hospitals in India.
Do you know of anyone who has polio?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, There is man who works in a bank in our area.
Are there people in your house who talk loudly? Is it their habit, or they cannot also hear very well?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, my mother talks loudly, this is not a habit she is partially deaf.
Are there times when you do not talk loudly in front of some people? When? With whom? Why?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are many times when we do not talk loudly in front of some people. like:
(a) In the class room when teacher is in class.
(b) In morning assembly.
(c) In cinema hall. Etc.
Also, I do not talk loudly to my parents and guests, because of my love and respect towards them. Secondly, ours is a very reputed and well disciplined school, we behave properly in school. It is not allowed to speak loudly.
There are other places like Hospitals and cinema hall etc. It is improper to speak loudly there, as this may disturb others.
When can you speak loudly?
Schoolvally answer:
We can speak loudly in play ground, in park and in Birthday party of a friend.
Some people use a machine in their ear to help them hear better. Some use a stick or spectacles to help them in other ways. Do you know someone who does so?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, in the post office the post master uses a machine to hear better. Our music teacher uses stick or spectacles to help him walk and find way.
Talk to people who cannot hear very well. Find out if they had this problem from birth. When did they start to have a problem with hearing? What difficulties do they face?
Schoolvally answer:
My mother cannot hear very well. She is partially deaf.
Yes, she had this problem from birth. When she joined school she realised she is partially deaf. She does not face any difficulty in her life, but It is difficult for us to communicate to her. Also, such she become violent and adamant without any reason.
What do you think – what all is a part of you that you got from your mother’s side?
Schoolvally answer:
Special trait that I acquired from my mother is Brown colour of hair.
Important Questions
On the Move Again
Did all the farmers in Dhanu’s village have their own land?
Schoolvally answer:
No, all the farmers in Dhanu’s village did not have their own land. Families like Dhanu’s work on the lands of big farmers.
During what time of the year did Dhanu’s family get work in the village? During what time did they not have work?
Schoolvally answer:
Families like Dhanu’s work on the lands of big farmers till Dussehra, before the rainy season. Next six months they did not have any work.
Do you know of any families like Dhanu’s, who have to leave their villages for months in search of work?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, In my uncles village many families go to Nepal and Bangladesh in search of work.
If people in Dhanu's village did not leave the village in search of work, what difficulties would they face in their own village?
Schoolvally answer:
People in Dhanu’s village are so poor that they take money as loan from mukadam, for their expenses.
If they did not leave the village in search of work they will not be able to pay back the loan and face consequences. Their families will die because of hunger.
In Dhanu’s village, there can be no farming when there is no rain. Do you think farming can be done even without rain water? How?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, farming can be done with our rain water:
(a) By digging canals and using river water.
(b) By using underground water from wells etc.
Dhanu’s family and many others from the village go far away for work but some people stay back in the village. Why does this happen?
Schoolvally answer:
Dhanu’s family and many others from the village go far away for work but some people stay back in the village, this happens because, they are either old or ill. Some children also stay back as they attend village school.
When Dhanu and other children leave the village for six months, what happens in the village school?
Schoolvally answer:
The school is attended by a few children only. Who have stayed back in the village to take care of old grandparents, ill members and infants.
What arrangements are made at your home for old and unwell family members when everyone goes for work?
Schoolvally answer:
Arrangements that are made in our home include online doctors help and neighbours.
Why does Mami wish that Dhanu should go to school for the whole year and study?
Schoolvally answer:
Dhanu is mami’s favourite, she also buys pencils, an eraser and a notebook for Dhamu. Mami wish that Dhanu should go to school for the whole year and study, because Mami wants Dhanu to become somebody in life. She does not want Dhanu to move around with his family like this.
What happens when you are not able to go to school for a long time?
Schoolvally answer:
When I am not able to go to school for a long time, I will forget, what all I have learned in the class and I will lag back in my studies. Also I will have to give reason for the same to teachers.
Dhanu has to go with his village people to other places. Can there be some arrangements during that time so that Dhanu continues his studies? What kind?
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there can be some arrangements like
(a) Temporary schools for migratory students.
(b) Temporary admission in the school at other place.
(c) These six months can be called as holidays and students can utilize this in completing their holidays home work.
Do you know of any jobs/work for which people have to stay away from their families for many months? Look for examples from this book and write.
Schoolvally answer:
Yes, there are many examples from this book, of jobs/work for which people have to stay away from their families for many months as under:
In chapter: 2. A Snake Charmer’s Story
In snake charmers job, people have to to jungles for collection of plants and go to different villages for selling.
In chapter: 9. Up You Go!
In teachers job, people have to go for hiking in mountains.
In chapter: 11. Sunita in Space.
In Astronauts job, people have to stay away from their families as they have to go to space.
What are the similarities and differences in the lives of different kinds of farmers?
Schoolvally answer:
(a) Climate: The life of farmers is dependent on climate, If it rains much the crop is affected, If it rains less there are droughts.
(b) Limited Income: Farmers have a limited source of income, they earn by selling their crop.
(c) Poverty: Farmers are poor and have to take loan to buy seeds, fertilizers and equipment.
(d) Family Involvement: All the family members are involved in farming.
(a) Ownership: There are farmers, who own land and farmers who are landless. who have no land and work on others land for money.
(b) Size: There are farmers with small piece of land and on other hand there are farmers who have big farms to cultivate.
(c) Fertilizers: Some farmers use natural fertilizers like cow-dung while others use chemicals.
(d) Irrigation: Some farmers are dependent on rains for farming, some have access to bore well and tube wells or rivers.
You have read about many kinds of farmers in different lessons in this book. Fill the table.
Schoolvally answer:
Name of the farmer ….. 1. Damjibhai (Lesson 22. On the Move Again)
Owns land (✓ or ✕) ….. Yes
What do they grow ….. All types of grains and vegetables like bajra
What difficulties do they face ….. Traditional methods more labour
Any thing else ….. Less Income, canal system for irrigation. Happy and enjoyed festivals, Son joined the family business of agriculture.
Name of the farmer ….. 2. Hasmukh (Lesson 22. On the Move Again)
Owns land (✓ or ✕) ….. Yes
What do they grow ….. cotton and wheat
What difficulties do they face ….. high cost of fertilizers, Loan repayment
Any thing else ….. More Income, Electric motor for water, Motor cycle to commute. tense and angry most of the time. Son did not join the family business of agriculture.
Name of the farmer ….. 3. Jatryabhai (Lesson 18. No Place for Us?)
Owns land (✓ or ✕) ….. Yes
What do they grow ….. cotton and wheat
What difficulties do they face ….. small land, but not good for farming
Any thing else ….. could not grow much on the field, and could not make enough money even to buy seeds and fertilisers, No medicinalplants available in sinduri like khedi.
Name of the farmer ….. 4. Not given (Mizoram farmer) (Lesson 20. Whose Forests?)
Owns land (✓ or ✕) ….. No, The land belongs to the whole village, not to separate people.
What do they grow ….. main crop here is rice
What difficulties do they face ….. Hilly land, with weeds and bamboo.
Any thing else ….. There are no roads, only hilly paths. People have to carry the crop on their backs. This takes many weeks.
Important Questions
May the grace of God be always with us. May the spirit of Christmas bring joy and harmony to your life and may this new year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations in life of students. Click here to download new coloring worksheets. School morning assembly thoughts have been updated as youtube Shorts. New rhymes in English and Hindi with lyrics have been uploaded as youtube Videos. Our rhymes are fun way to learn some thing new always. Happy viewing.
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